
New Member
Hi all,

I've just posted a query on setting up the timing on a 96 V8 disco in the "discovery" section but thought I'd say hi in here too.

Had the motor a couple of months now and already been to Brittany and back in her. I've got lots of things to sort out over the coming months and am trying to prioritise as I go along. Despite all the issues I love the car and am so glad I talked myself out of a paj after viewing lots of heaps!

So you'll probably be hearing lots from me over the next months and years! :D

Anyone got any tips for removing dog odour?

Ritchie :D
welcome m8.

normally soap and water gets me reasonably clean, though i reckon dog odour could be a bit of a bitch to get rid of.

is this a problem you have had long!
Hi all,

so glad I talked myself out of a paj after viewing lots of heaps!

How's the fettle Ritch:D Dunno if it's relevant, but I was told by someone who lived in south america, that pajero was a word the natives used for ****er!!! Hence the reason why they changed the name to shogun or summit;) :D Glad ye got a landy now?;) :D

I was told pajero means tosser to the spaniards so I spose thats about the same thing?

I have been very tempted to go visit the last owner and shoot his dogs as payback for my stinky carpets! :D Prob been a bit paranoid about it all now TBH.

I have some bodywork issues (car not me :rolleyes: ) in the usual places most serious of which is the inner wings. However, to quote my local specialist, " I am not wholly dissapointed with the state of this one!"

I have a funny feeling this landy experience is gonna be full of niggles and probs but I am keen on having a go wherever I can and it can't be more to run than my 11 year old impreza, CAN IT?

Ritchie :D

PS - I have nothing against dogs.

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