1. Tam9433

    Indicator switch! Brown wire???

    If can buy you a pint I will. Thanks thanks and thanks again!:rofl: I traced the green wire from flasher unit back through the loom and it was connected to the voltage stabiliser, which is why that was working until you turned on the indicators. One of my stupid errors in sorting out burnt...
  2. Tam9433

    Indicator switch! Brown wire???

    Yes thats how they are With blue white to C Green & (purple/pink) to C2
  3. Tam9433

    Indicator switch! Brown wire???

    Hella 4NM OU1 803-16 12V 21W/6W When I was getting bit together to rewire the landy, tried to get one of these and couldn't locate one
  4. Tam9433

    Indicator switch! Brown wire???

    The phot of it was taken prior to it being stripped out, you can still see some burnt wires init. None of the wiring effected this! Ie replaced.
  5. Tam9433

    Indicator switch! Brown wire???

    Connection on it C2 green @ purple/pink 49a brown@green 49+ green C white @blue Checked all points no power source going to it! Or out of it!
  6. Tam9433

    Indicator switch! Brown wire???

    Checked all connections into flasher unit, no power going to it! When indicating left or right
  7. Tam9433

    Indicator switch! Brown wire???

    No multimeter! Just been out and checked everything again all connections look good, but no indicators! But they intaially worked, then stopped after ii had fitted the voltage stabiliser. But looking at the wiring diagram I can't see how that would effect the indicators. Quite baffling
  8. Tam9433

    Indicator switch! Brown wire???

    Wipers, lights, heater, brake lights all work. Landy starts and runs. The only thing not working now is indicators and fuel/temp gauges. Which both worked initially when I put the new volt stabiliser in until I connected the brown wire to the wrong place.
  9. Tam9433

    Indicator switch! Brown wire???

    Is the indicators effected by the voltage stabiliser???
  10. Tam9433

    Indicator switch! Brown wire???

    Thanks for this it made things seem easier, much better diagrams than the ones I looked at. Where did you get this wiring diagram???
  11. Tam9433

    Indicator switch! Brown wire???

    Checked all connectors and earths, twice in case I had knocked something loose. But they all seem good. The bulbs all look good as well. Hopefully attaching the brown to the back of the ignition switch will sort it.
  12. Tam9433

    Indicator switch! Brown wire???

    How did I miss that!!! Just looked on the back of ignition switch and found the connector, attached brown wire horn worked:rolleyes: Indicators still don't or the fuel/temp gauges, hopefully when I get a new volt regulator for back of clocks, it should be...
  13. Tam9433

    Indicator switch! Brown wire???

    Horn doesn't work with it unattached, but does work with it attached despite the fact that the indicators don't work.:confused:
  14. Tam9433

    Indicator switch! Brown wire???

    I've got a photo of the fuse box before i stripped everything out and it was not attached to it then. Just as shown in this photo
  15. Tam9433

    Indicator switch! Brown wire???

    Sorry petrol Swb 1975
  16. Tam9433

    Indicator switch! Brown wire???

    Hi all, After some help with a little brown annoying wire!!!! I've recently replaced the main wiring loom after a small electrical fire behind the clocks. I had all the wire out and replaced after cutting the connectors off on the old loom in place and replacing them with like for like colours...
  17. Tam9433

    Electric fire! New loom?

    Thanks all for your replies and ideas!! Have ordered new loom from autosparks today thought about making one, but decided on a ready made one colour coded with correct connectors etc. Mr Churchill I like the idea of clipping the ends in place to give you the hint/colour of wire you need. That...
  18. Tam9433

    Electric fire! New loom?

    Just been on autosparks, trying to work out which loom I need. Looks like it will be main and engine loom! Bt not sure wether to get the chassis loom as well!:cool:
  19. Tam9433

    Hi all landy virgin please be gentle

    Thanks for the welcomes and comments:)
  20. Tam9433

    Electric fire! New loom?

    Thanks Dipypud have thought about making one! But still trying to work out the cost of wire and connectors etc Plus I am still new to this game of looking after a 38 year old landy and my mechanical know as average