
New Member
Hi all,

After some help with a little brown annoying wire!!!!

I've recently replaced the main wiring loom after a small electrical fire behind the clocks. I had all the wire out and replaced after cutting the connectors off on the old loom in place and replacing them with like for like colours etc. I had taken photos prior to removing old loom, to aid replacing the new one.

Once new loom was in place, landy started everything worked, except horn and indicators. Noticed brown wire from indicator not connected etc to anything. Checked photos etc could not find where it attached to so attached it to spare on fuse. Initially indicators worked. Then stopped so did the fuel gauge etc!

Ordered a new voltage stabiliser as I thought that was the problem, fitted new volt stabiliser today, with out the brown wire connected to anything. Fuel and temp gauge worked! Connected brown wire of indicators to fuse box. Initially indicators flashed then stopped so did temp and fuel gauge! (Ordering new volt stabiliser).

Have checked all other wires, earths etc and all seem ok. Light, heater wipers all work ok

So the problem seems to lay with the brown wire that comes out of the indicator arm:mad:

Have looked at various wiring diagrams, but can't seem to make out where it is meant to be attached:(

Any ideas?


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Yep that's what the diagram says. But there is two different connection points. One is direct on to the live side of fuse 1 and the other is to a splice block before fuse 1.
I've got a photo of the fuse box before i stripped everything out and it was not attached to it then. Just as shown in this photo


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have you checked your indicator relay……..or the bulbs themselves as well as earths if you've been messing?
The brown should be connected to the brown on the back of the ignition switch. View attachment 47983

How did I miss that!!!

Just looked on the back of ignition switch and found the connector, attached brown wire horn worked:rolleyes:

Indicators still don't or the fuel/temp gauges, hopefully when I get a new volt regulator for back of clocks, it should be sorted................................:confused:

Thanks all for your help:):):)

Will update when I get the new volt regulator

Thanks again
have you checked your indicator relay……..or the bulbs themselves as well as earths if you've been messing?

Checked all connectors and earths, twice in case I had knocked something loose. But they all seem good. The bulbs all look good as well.

Hopefully attaching the brown to the back of the ignition switch will sort it.
Do your wipers work?

Wipers, lights, heater, brake lights all work. Landy starts and runs.

The only thing not working now is indicators and fuel/temp gauges. Which both worked initially when I put the new volt stabiliser in until I connected the brown wire to the wrong place.

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