1. Matty745

    Is it my belt or pully?

    Also while I remember, be careful if spraying wd40 onto greased parts for a continued period as it will cause the grease to break down and dry out. Lock smith told me that years ago.
  2. Matty745

    Land Rover required for days rent please

    Surprised the REPUTABLE hire company would insure a 21 year old....little scrote!!:D
  3. Matty745

    Hi from warrington

    Welcome buddy, bit greedy arnt ya having two!! :)
  4. Matty745

    Land Rover required for days rent please

    Neck like a rubber Giraffe these young'ns, wish I was 21 again and full of...........
  5. Matty745

    Is it my belt or pully?

    I'd say its the pully bearing, the belt is very easy to change plenty of threads on here as for the pully you can change the bearing or the whole thing. Have a look on ebay
  6. Matty745

    Insurance advice.

    That sound like a very good price to me!
  7. Matty745

    Discovery Rust - Boot, Sills and Wings

    Tell you what, this would make a good story for LRM ;)
  8. Matty745

    rocker gasket

    Dont over tighten the rocker cover as this can cause the gasket to distort, I know some people like to ream nuts and bolts up. I used to be a nightmare for it having used to work with heavies alot but now I have soft hands!! ;)
  9. Matty745

    Tool Kit.

    The torx is t55 if my memory serves me right.
  10. Matty745

    Stupid newbie question

    You cant examin the brake parts or change the pads ect safely without stands bud, a must have for any DIY mechanic. What part of the world you in? It's a big family here and someone will be close by to run you through it, if you ask nicely of course!!;)
  11. Matty745

    rear bumper black paint?

    Hello shocker. Love Trago!!
  12. Matty745


    Welcome fellow kernowman!!
  13. Matty745

    rear bumper black paint?

    Just done mine with satin enamel brush on. Easy and seems tough which ideal with the dogs in and out.
  14. Matty745

    Hello from Cornwall

    Welcome my Cornish friend. Hope the build goes well.
  15. Matty745

    Crash barrier bumpers,some thoughts

    They tried it once but its against pedestrian human rights as the bumper didn't conform to the correct EU standard due to it being......HARD AS FOOK!!
  16. Matty745

    Crash barrier bumpers,some thoughts

    I knows um well. They need educating that pasties dont have fookin peas in!! I'm back home soon and im gonna find me a new bumper!!
  17. Matty745

    hello first land rover bought today

    Hope you enjoy LZ. All the info you'll ever need for your......car! :p
  18. Matty745

    Crash barrier bumpers,some thoughts

    Emmett's as bumpers. Yet again shocker.....outstanding! Where you get your Emmett's from, can't imagine there's many in Bodmin?
  19. Matty745

    Should I be worried???

    Typical Disco owner, if it doesn't need fixing there must be something wrong I dont know about. Enjoy the it why you can, a problem will raise its ugly head sooner or later.
  20. Matty745

    Crash barrier bumpers,some thoughts

    Scarecrows.....now thats a whole different kettle of fish but yeah, I can see um as a bumper. Nice and soft but would need packing well. No straw hanging out and all that!