1. A


    don't ask me...I haven't got a bloody clue! I used to do it with ease on a BMW forum, but out of practice now I guess. also I was with Webshots, whatever happened to them? all my photos vanished into the stratosphere! :mad:
  2. A

    P38 headlining

    is this them? : http://www.martrim.co.uk/
  3. A

    P38 headlining

    ...etc: https://www.landyzone.co.uk/search/908089/?q=headlining&o=relevance&c[node]=10
  4. A

    P38 headlining

    see this recent thread Steve: https://www.landyzone.co.uk/land-rover/p38-headlining.300871/
  5. A

    P38 Headlining

    you just insert them. screw them through the headlining into the "card". the twirly "pig tail" prevents them from simply falling straight out
  6. A

    P38 Headlining

    this was my (still) "temporary" cheap fix: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hemline-Twist-Pins-Spiral-Shaft-13mm-Strong-Grip-Upholstery-Home-Mattresses-/361549237452?hash=item542e038ccc:g:SGcAAOSw5dNWqKgn all measured and spaced out correctly, of course ;)
  7. A

    P38A Head Gasket gone - Anyone want a dead 4.6

    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/RANGE-ROVER-P38-WHEELS-AND-TYRES-/222124216152?hash=item33b7a28f58:g:6IYAAOSw9a5XPzTG £25 and no bids yet??:(
  8. A

    Classic car sos

    I just watched an old Top Gear DVD where they blew up a P38. you see the first late-model silver P38 (but with early cloth seats) but on an R reg, then the car they use for the feature, which gets shot to bits, then blown up, is an early model (but with the later seats) but on the same reg...
  9. A

    P38A Binnacle odometer lights

    ok, thanks
  10. A

    It's almost not empty anymore

    Hola Christian Adi, Alicante
  11. A

    surprised this is empty

    Hola! I have a P38 Diesel and am near Alicante
  12. A

    P38A Binnacle odometer lights

    on this subject, are there two bulbs behind the display in the binnacle as the right half on mine seems a fair bit brighter than the left?
  13. A

    P38 diesel radiator problem

    not sure what you mean exactly by "blown the top off" Oldpilot, but there are a good few radiator repair videos on YouTube, e.g.
  14. A


    thanks again Paul. very busy workwise at the moment, but want it all sorted asap really, so shall keep you posted :)
  15. A

    Gentlemen, start your engines!

  16. A


    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/range-rover-4-o-lpg-doors-have-dead-locked-selling-spares-and-repair-/322088852263?hash=item4afdfddb27:g:Nk0AAOSwaZdXIQue photo no. 6 made me smile :)
  17. A


    I had a little trial on my long drive down to southern Spain. a very light right foot on a very straight level road....39 MPG! (or was that ever so slightly downhill?)
  18. A


    excellent, thanks Paul
  19. A


    I live between Campello and San Juan, so approx. 45 miles away. that would be great, thanks and i'm sure you'd deserve una cerveza fria if this chap can help
  20. A

    Keycode lockout becm help

    just found this old thread and bumping it. ...and true to his word, Rick the Pick did mozz, the dealer was Guy Salmon in Portsmouth (but the free LR Defender ginger biscuit, chewy bar and coffee were jolly nice though as well as the receptionist come to think of it)