
Active Member
Hi guys

im making this post for a friend/fellow zoner who has no internet access at moment, need some of your great knowledge and advice please, il try to give as much detail as i know...

he has a late 1999 2.5 dse auto, highline with electric heated seats etc

it had a battery drain problem since he got it i think but was sat about a bit not being driven regularly, removed and charged battery and then problems started

its got the "keycode lockout"

the code he had would not seem to work, but also the fob was a bit iffy i think, im not 100%

he went to land rover dealer, they gave a print out of the code, which matched the one he had , and was also printed on top of the becm unit saying "NEW EKA-****"

but still wouldnt work,i had a few goes

anyway, so he towed it to the dealers, they ran a £90 diagnostics , and gave a print out, and told him..

the becm inside it, is not its original, and it was a "french" one, thats basicly kapoot/gone, a central locking fault also, eka would not work etc etc

so,, they quoted an astronomical amount for a new becm all coded and what not

car is currently sat there, he said il let you know


so, what do you guys advise ??

weve spoken to martin otoole, whom some of you will know, hes not far away, and pete barrett, who may be on here ? whos in bournemouth

in the car its got H YWC 106760 BECM

, all martin has is a ywc 106040 , which pete says is a petrol and wont work ?

so hes a bit stuck basicly as where to go from now ??? none of the 106760 on ebay, but hes messaged a couple of sellers


hes asked me to post on here to ask for advice on sorting this out and relay it to him , as land rover willl probaly want that out of their hair tomorrow

can he just source a new becm box, and get it just coded, by land rover ? fitting it himself 1st , or does it have to be the whole kaboodle with the locks and everything ?

does anyone on here have the correct becm/kit needed ? and can post tomorrow ?

or any other suggestions etc

appriciate any help

located in portsmouth

thanks guys

It is not a French BECM. BECM is in an alarmed state, language changes to French and wrong date is shown. If the BECM is not locked EKA code should be readable. If it's locked it isn't. Correct EKA code or Rick the pick two choices. The dealer is a bloody plonker.
It is not a French BECM. BECM is in an alarmed state, language changes to French and wrong date is shown. If the BECM is not locked EKA code should be readable. If it's locked it isn't. Correct EKA code or Rick the pick two choices. The dealer is a bloody plonker.

Who obviously do not frequent forums in the know

Like it changes to French as to say I'm useless ATM :D:D:D
Thanks guys

The French thing - I do not have a clue, that's what the dealer said that at some point it had been swapped for the French one

But , when we spoke to Pete barret as advised by Martin otoole, when it was being explained to him , interestingly he did ask what country the becm was from and when I said French he said yes it will be that and kappot

Rick I have passed on your number and he will be giving you a call tomorrow, he is stressed out has just moved house has no internet access at the moment and is not on the road and its sat at the dealers and he has to sort getting it trailored back

I'm just trying to help him out he asked me to post for him to see what you all said

Do you think you can sort it rick ?? Or he needs a new becm or what ? I can't see one on eBay with that same code but wondering if others are compatible ? Or if you/anyone on here has correct one for sale ?

Understand your in Brighton rick were not far away in Portsmouth, can you travel at cost etc or would the car or becm have to come to you ?

Thanks guys
Thanks guys

The French thing - I do not have a clue, that's what the dealer said that at some point it had been swapped for the French one

But , when we spoke to Pete barret as advised by Martin otoole, when it was being explained to him , interestingly he did ask what country the becm was from and when I said French he said yes it will be that and kappot

Rick I have passed on your number and he will be giving you a call tomorrow, he is stressed out has just moved house has no internet access at the moment and is not on the road and its sat at the dealers and he has to sort getting it trailored back

I'm just trying to help him out he asked me to post for him to see what you all said

Do you think you can sort it rick ?? Or he needs a new becm or what ? I can't see one on eBay with that same code but wondering if others are compatible ? Or if you/anyone on here has correct one for sale ?

Understand your in Brighton rick were not far away in Portsmouth, can you travel at cost etc or would the car or becm have to come to you ?

Thanks guys

From Nanocom notes.

IMPORTANT NOTICE If the BECM goes into an ALARMED state you will notice that the reading
will be incorrect such as Language will become French and the date will be 1990 something. In
this state communication is not possible and can only be resolved by either inputting the EKA
code if it is accepted or by someone who can unlock the BECM for you with our specialist
software only available on the Faultmate MSV-2 system.
Whammers the language was in engilsh like normal, its the dealer who said that it had at some point been swapped to a French one after the diagnostics
The language will still be in English as usual inside the car but the diagnostics will show that the language is set to French.
Thanks guys

Little update, he sourced a whole new becm kit from a RR bresker specialist I can't remember the name, after speaking to them, in the hope he just fit it all and it would work

And fitted it yesterday - becm, Ecu, reciever,lock, the lot

But - went to fit the ignition barrel , and (I think it was this was round)

The old ignition bit had 4 wires to connect
But the new one with the kit he got ,only had 2 wires ? , so that stopped play

He was going to ring them today

Any ideas on this ?
At a guess the one he got from a breaker is from an older car and doesn't have the coil in the ignition for the friendly sync. I imagine it would work fine without it, you'll just have to use the old sync procedure to sync keys to the car.

Realistically it would have been easier just to send the original BECM to someone who knows what they're doing like Rick.
What is that proceedeur ? What wires would he connect to the 2 ?

I know and agree I don't know why he didn't, I don't know if he spoke to Rick or not
Whammers the language was in engilsh like normal, its the dealer who said that it had at some point been swapped to a French one after the diagnostics

:doh::doh: THE DEALER IS A FEKIN UNKNOLEDGEABLE IDIOT !!!!!!! should be named and shamed ,,:eek::eek: stop others from being led up the garden path .... RICK is on to it , you CANT do any better than letting rick " callrova " sort it :):)... as far as me and countless others on here will tell you he's the BEST !!!!! NUMERO UNO ,,, IL'L MAESTRO ... .. GIVE HIM A BELL .... cheers MOZZ
Someone spoke to me today regarding this problem.
I'll have the problem solved by end of weekend.


:doh::doh: THE DEALER IS A FEKIN UNKNOLEDGEABLE IDIOT !!!!!!! should be named and shamed ,,:eek::eek: stop others from being led up the garden path .... RICK is on to it , you CANT do any better than letting rick " callrova " sort it :):)... as far as me and countless others on here will tell you he's the BEST !!!!! NUMERO UNO ,,, IL'L MAESTRO ... .. GIVE HIM A BELL .... cheers MOZZ

just found this old thread and bumping it.

...and true to his word, Rick the Pick did

mozz, the dealer was Guy Salmon in Portsmouth (but the free LR Defender ginger biscuit, chewy bar and coffee were jolly nice though as well as the receptionist come to think of it)
For reference, the ignition barrel never needs to be replaced. The key blade seperates from the fob.

I love these breakers that sell the whole lot. The problem here is that doing this swap out procedure is usually a one time event. You're removing your vehicle from the database once all ecu's have been swapped. You can't order keys, wrong listed EKA code etc. It's cheaper to pay to have it repaired instead of replacing with the same old fast wearing out modules.

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