1. Grippa

    Fee For Assistance

    Oi...............5. Well, 6 mebbe. :o
  2. Grippa

    Fee For Assistance

    You're just feckin weird. :rolleyes:
  3. Grippa

    Fee For Assistance

    Massive horn's at the frunt. ;)
  4. Grippa

    Fee For Assistance

  5. Grippa

    Fee For Assistance

    Ohwarr, foor dollar, you beeeg!
  6. Grippa

    Fee For Assistance

    He'd prefer a Drag.
  7. Grippa

    Fee For Assistance

    Not even close! :rolleyes:
  8. Grippa

    Fee For Assistance

    Yeah, but it's powered by me cigs.
  9. Grippa

    Fee For Assistance

    So you're a frootloop who smells of **** then?
  10. Grippa

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Big gurl. S'dry unnerneath innit?
  11. Grippa

    Fee For Assistance

    Tried them. Started on triple As, before I knew it I'd hit the PP3s, then it was just a slippery slope down to an Optima a day. Now I can't even climb the stairs without my charger. :(
  12. Grippa

    Fee For Assistance

    It woulda, but the batteries died.
  13. Grippa

    Fee For Assistance

    A feckin what? :confused:
  14. Grippa

    Safari snorkel

    Might? :D
  15. Grippa

    Safari snorkel

    So a snork will be utterly redundant! :rolleyes:
  16. Grippa

    l322 td6 keeps churping

    Lot of Tits in B/stoke. :D
  17. Grippa

    l322 td6 keeps churping

    You've a Tit stuck in your aircon.
  18. Grippa

    Great Forum

    No, I'm fairly sure it's made frum a sheep.
  19. Grippa

    Great Forum

    Ere', I've jest thought...........anyone wanna buy an Irvin? Not going to need it in me poncy Disco!
  20. Grippa

    Great Forum

    Ahhh well, it hasn't been posted for a couple of months: