1. Oldseadog

    Defender 90 TD5 as first car?

    I honestly can't see why anyone would be daft enough to take their driving test and trailer test on the same day, and then imagine that they are capable of running aroud country lanes, main roads and motorways with a potential gross weight of around 7 tonnes, anf imagine that they are in totasl...
  2. Oldseadog

    I would just like to say

    Gid moanin orl. Marmalady vat's luckin loike oneuv me hexex! Eye did wedded a reight coo bak ven!! Ennyhows hits a Fursdi terdi swits kneely tweak hend agin. Son's art anne itz worm anne brite, bert sposed ter reign laters. Swava guddun peeps.
  3. Oldseadog

    I would just like to say

    Gid moanin fiends Snot reignin ant sunsowt. Hown lia cup luv daze anne eyes orft agin ter Norfumberlundlandshir fur a wile. Swensdi turdi sew snot longtert weak hend agin, swavva guddun wear heiffer yerziz
  4. Oldseadog

    I would just like to say

    Gid moanin me fiends Eye is ear agin coz sont Frydi yets asnne eye is gon agin fert weak hend. Snise upin Norfumberlundland byte coste bert eye haznt gots me Fenferer bak yets, sew eye iz a nunappi bunni! Schewsdi swavva guddun wear heffer yeriz, anne wor heffer yerziz adoinsof.
  5. Oldseadog

    Help North York moors

    How up to date is it during holidays?
  6. Oldseadog

    new here and looking for advice please....

    If the drums are well set up, they will be fine, even off road. The only downside of drums is that they tend to wear out faster due to the dried mud acting as a very hard abrasive! I wouldn't change axles unless the original is completely kernakkered, and even then it is easy enough to replace...
  7. Oldseadog

    I would just like to say

    Eye wuz ear bert nar eyes gwin aweigh agin. Sieze yerz orl necks tweak sum thyme Avva gud ollidi coz son iz art ant swarm anorl.
  8. Oldseadog

    Help North York moors

    Just outside Tynemouth
  9. Oldseadog

    Tratter change for climate change

    If it's a properly tuned engine, not one that has to be 'adjusted' by an expensive eletrickery bit that plugs in, then the emissions are extremely low! Mine is a 1989 NA and the exhaust chucks out between 40% and 50% LESS than most on the 'greener' cars in for their first MoT. Tuning skills are...
  10. Oldseadog

    Help North York moors

    Hi Sue You know how much I love you, and if someone can pick this up within the next hour and get it to you, it's yours! Unfortunately, I'm off the road and will be away for the next week or so. @The Mad Hat Man is there anyone available??
  11. Oldseadog

    I would just like to say

    Ewe mite fink vat bert eye cuddent possibblie commerents ;)
  12. Oldseadog

    I would just like to say

    Parently veres aloadsa bighuge 'R' sez arounded that-theare Burnlee plaice. Partfrum witch, issin Lankyshireshire innit :eek::eek::eek: Too ills speperatesit frum sivil-ice-ashun!!
  13. Oldseadog

    I would just like to say

    Gid moaning me fiend(s?) Eye has bin awoked byte dergs wot wonted feedsin ann a poohin ann a peain, swam widez awakeders. Wheeze haway agin termoz fur anuvver weak int seasiders plaice hin Warkworf, wot iz hin Norf Humberlands, fur a bitter piece ann kwiyet. Dint misserz eye ter muchli, ann avva...
  14. Oldseadog

    I would just like to say

    Eye wuz gonned furry weak ann ham giyin agin termozz fer hanuvver weak.
  15. Oldseadog

    I would just like to say

    Eye iz bak! Hasyerz mist meee? Dint fortso Eye has misted youz orl Gwin agin Frydi fer a boot aweak.
  16. Oldseadog

    LT77 Clutch alignment tool

    Being tightfisted, I have used the very old plastic handle on a very old screwdriver, which even has the grip slightly reduced at the end. It has served me well through my Series I, Series II, Series III, 90 and now my 110. They just don't make 'em like that any more ;);)
  17. Oldseadog

    I would just like to say

    Eye witchez yerz orl a werry gid Saturdi moanin anne itz dahk ear. Gwin ter avva luck atme tratter layter ter fyne doubt wot thay haz broked thiss thyme! Nivver mynd tsweak hend sew eye carnt getted upsetted. Avva guddun wear heffer yorziz hand hen joyz wottevverz yerziz adoinof.
  18. Oldseadog

    Brain Wracker

    There wasn't a rattle as such, it was more of a rubbing/scrapeing noise as if the gearbox was running without oil, and there was also an oil leak from the hand brake backplate, which suggested that the noise was gearbox related.
  19. Oldseadog

    I would just like to say

    Gotter wynd darn ter bee reddi fert weakend :D:D
  20. Oldseadog

    Brain Wracker

    To see if there was any obvious play on the transfer box bearings, and the UJ's are the nearest things to grab hold of to try and rattle aroound