I'm completely drained of energy and motivation at the moment + I have a mouth ulcer - need to stop the long days, long commutes and start looking after one's self :confused:
Salt wata. As strong as yer can or just put salt onnit. Yer it be urt but fings like bonfella just urneafertise it ter take pain erway un not killit. Eye gets lots ur ulcers un life be betterer ter fix since dentist giv me this advice.
I'm completely drained of energy and motivation at the moment + I have a mouth ulcer - need to stop the long days, long commutes and start looking after one's self :confused:

+1 on that. Just recently finished a six month period of heavy work, long hours and commutes to finish off a couple of contracts. I ached so took peekays, knavkered but couldn't sleep, drank a bit too much to compensate, felt worse. Had a real nasty cough, skin erupted all over the shop and I get styes when am run down so looked like a French bellringer.
Suggest you get some down (or me) time - bank Holiday weekend coming up :)
Eye bin wantin er nuva biurds nest int me garden un cort em buildering it this morning. We thought we see'd em checking out said location last week. This morning they were movin int. Unfortunately it be int roof er me kitchin. They'd only just started so unfortunately due ter the location eye had ter block it oft quickly once they were all oot. Eye feel orrible fer doin it as they were only little birds but eye can't av em int me roof or int brick wurk between me un me neighbur ose. Eye be sadded. But it had ter be dun.
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Don’t be sad, they will find somewhere else.
We have to stop the house Martin’s every year from building in all the window/other spaces. (Yes illegal if fully built) but we only do it on the back of the house as they make so much mess, they have free run of the front and sides.

They probably gonna get the hose pipe treatment this weekend as they already starting to build.

Nex door wanted their tree takin down, is well established an evergreen. Told em I wouldn't do it till later this year. There's ickle birds nestin y see, y silly buggers..
I'm completely drained of energy and motivation at the moment + I have a mouth ulcer - need to stop the long days, long commutes and start looking after one's self :confused:

Need multi vitamins ... B summat for mouth ulcer ...
Gid moanin fiends
Snot reignin ant sunsowt.
Hown lia cup luv daze anne eyes orft agin ter Norfumberlundlandshir fur a wile.
Swensdi turdi sew snot longtert weak hend agin, swavva guddun wear heiffer yerziz
Eyeiserwake. Eye avin er change from normul. Fings is gunner go right terday. Just one day. Tis'll eye ask fer. Un eye fergotted ter pay me council tax anorl. Be ont its way soon.

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