1. T

    Magnet on loom to stop oil

    Cut a small hole in the loom in a low spot, then the oil will drip from there instead of getting into the vital stuff. Read about doing that a couple years ago on another LR site
  2. T

    X Defend Pedal Lock Installation

    Install it on bare floor. When you do your mats then unbolt it then reinstall it.
  3. T

    Evening all!

    Welcome and enjoy LZ.......... You just need some rhino skin to survive
  4. T

    Paint or not worth it

    Then park it. Figure what parts you need, even buy a new chassis and put in a sea container. take it apart cuts chassis in half as it would then be parts. Then rebuild it in the USA and then you will have a vehicle worth 30K or so.
  5. T


    A very good write up Weldy
  6. T

    I would just like to say

    A 115-year-old hot cross bun is to be passed on to the next generation as part of a decades-long family tradition. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-leicestershire-43587859
  7. T

    Any C.B. guru’s?

    if your coax cable is to short or rolled into a coil you can have serious issue
  8. T

    Any C.B. guru’s?

    whats your 10,10 good buddy
  9. T

    LZ Live Problem?

    Steves revenge?
  10. T

    LZ Live Problem?

    working good here
  11. T

    My name is weldy can I come back as I've been mended

    Welcome back weldy. Glad the treatment worked.
  12. T

    Fitting a hot water shower

    Pssst Gary incoming PM
  13. T

    How long should a UJ last

    quality and maintenance is everything got over 250k miles on a 13 year old truck. still on factory original
  14. T

    Wood burning stove for my trailer camper, tin tent.

    and a slip in the middle of the night and you would be.........
  15. T

    Buying a Tdci high mileage, ok or stay away?

    just the transmission issue with the output shaft bearings. Ashcroft transmission tells about and they got a fix for it. usually goes at about 60k miles or so. It might of been fixed, but check UJ's and brakes/rotors to see if they been replaced or needs to be replaced
  16. T

    Check your wheel nuts

    I agree, better than bonehead or numb nuts:eek:
  17. T

    Check your wheel nuts

    Well what would you rather I call you then? you ain't in trouble with me Gary