1. ninety till i die

    bulkhead outriggers..........

    Cheers guys, have checked busters photo guide n it's just the job thanks for the replies.
  2. ninety till i die

    bulkhead outriggers..........

    ............Are foooked n need replacing the real $64,000 question is where do the front wings bolt to the bulk head??. Im guessing that the inner wheel arches need to be removed??? to access the bolts??. And do the wings bolt to the front grille/slam panel? Any help gratefully...
  3. ninety till i die

    fitting windows in the back

    It's quite easy if you're a dab hand with a jig saw or nibbler n good at measurin type stuff, if not just get a set of county spec sides offa flea bay un-bolt the roof and sides and bolt your new sides in place........simples
  4. ninety till i die


    Thats where i bolted the main earth to so, there should have been a good earth, gonna have to go through the wiring tom
  5. ninety till i die


    Welcome John r, Wherever you get it from, flea bay, main stealer or private ads do your homework first and you wont go far wrong. Top choice too i'v got a 200tdi 90 and love it
  6. ninety till i die


    possibly not as i only connected the main earth strap, just to check that the g/box n t/box were workin right before i re fitted the interior etc will have anutther go tom mornin.
  7. ninety till i die


    Fitted my gearbox and transfer box today,reconnected the battery and started her up. The problem was that all the lights came on, including the indicators, and when i turned the ignition key off the engine refused to quit. Had to crack the injector unions until it stalled. Im certain it...
  8. ninety till i die

    hi clone

    If they're as good as the makers claim why aren't they fitted as standard??????
  9. ninety till i die

    New Member

  10. ninety till i die

    split charge setups

    OOOOOh now you've done it, you're on your own now mate right can of werms that you opened there hahah.
  11. ninety till i die

    split charge setups

    Cos we're lazy and wanted to get someone else to do it forrus.................pmsl
  12. ninety till i die

    split charge setups

    As far as im aware they aint too much of a hassle, gonna keep an eye on this thread tho cos its a mod i want to do myself at some stage. Do a search too it will have been covered before im sure.
  13. ninety till i die

    Fitting an Exmoor cubby box

    Hookin fell the fobbin ruckers...........they made of titanium or something??
  14. ninety till i die

    Fitting an Exmoor cubby box

    Really?? i'd not looked into them that deep, seen their gear at a few shows and thought they looked quite good..............guess thats me in detention for not doing my homework then!!!!
  15. ninety till i die

    72amp battery on a 3.5V8 poss knackered alt diodes...

    Your voltages when running and standing are fine, they're right where they should be. Don't know a lot about chargers tho i'v always nicked my dads haha.......but theres bound to be someone on here that has an opinion on chargers.
  16. ninety till i die

    Gearbox noise.....

    ****...............knew id forgotten something.
  17. ninety till i die

    Gearbox noise.....

    Check the easy stuff first, like your prop u/j's, wheel nuts, wheel brgs etc before ya start worryin bout fooked boxes. Had the same happen to me a while ago n it turned out to be the u/js couldnt go over 65 cos i thought the transmission was gonna fall out.....
  18. ninety till i die

    Fitting an Exmoor cubby box

    Check these guys out, www.mobilestoragesystems.fsnet.co.uk they usually display at all the landy shows, and their kit seems good stuff.
  19. ninety till i die

    York to Bath

    Where bouts in york is it? I live in york n could pick it up n hold it for ya no worries, no plans to go south anytime soon tho.