1. pourickleboy


    Plenty o'Disco's on here - as a fellow noobie, I can tell ye there's a good stock of content to search through for the usual issues & plenty of helping hands for 'owt else. Welcome:)
  2. pourickleboy

    Greetings new member

    finest portable hat-stand I ever saw :p:D
  3. pourickleboy


    Welcome! Sounds like somewhere during those 3 months of skinned knuckles & F-bombs, you got the bug ;)
  4. pourickleboy

    Drag arm ball joint no more....

    ...has the steel tapered pin detached from the ball? I can't tell if the complete ball joint has come out. Cheap ball joint?
  5. pourickleboy

    Land Rover Defender 90 drivers seat position

    ....I thought a touch of good old "Defender Elbow" was one of the joys of ownership :p
  6. pourickleboy

    My 1976 Land Rover Series 3 88" Diesel

    Bootiful!!! Welcome to the forum - what are your plans for the overhaul?
  7. pourickleboy

    Disco 2 disco referb,,,Back again, love em or fooking idiot,

    ....still, it's not every motor that saves up for its own repairs, PLUS birthday pressie for the missus and sweets for the kids - the Disco that keeps on giving :cool:
  8. pourickleboy

    Breaking Disco TD5

    I PM'd you a couple of weeks back - can you drop me a line? Cheers
  9. pourickleboy

    Disco 2 disco referb,,,Back again, love em or fooking idiot,

    I think I saw 5p on the floor in the back - have you still got those hoover bags?;):p
  10. pourickleboy

    Disco 2 disco referb,,,Back again, love em or fooking idiot,

    Welcome back, hope the clutch swap goes noce & smooth - hope you havent sold your angle grinder/penetrating oil / blow torch / bolt extractors - get them back out the garage & re-join the Disco baby! Got any dastardly plans, or just get back on the road for now?
  11. pourickleboy

    D2 chassis replacement

    Loving this thread Beneagles - giving this noobie some real inspiration, boldly seeing bits of Disco's I ain't NEVER seen before :)
  12. pourickleboy

    New to the Forum

    Welcome! Plenty of Disco (2) fever around! So is it LHD then?
  13. pourickleboy

    Just signed up

    ....that think's going to end up better than when it rolled out of Solihull! Nice brakes BTW
  14. pourickleboy

    New member, intorduction

    Hi, nice motor & welcome to the forum!! I'd deffo consider changing yr username if you're keeping your reg no off photo's - completely understand you wanting to do this considering Defender prices & how nab-able they are. All the best, P
  15. pourickleboy

    Getting Old

    ....you probably dont know you're getting old then! My favourite bit about losing the marbles is all the films I can watch again [POURICKLEBOY] "That was a great film, I can't believe we haven't seen it before" [MRS POURICKLEBOY] "We have - 3 months ago" Welcome aboard!
  16. pourickleboy


    Come on the Disco 2's - V8 or Td5?
  17. pourickleboy


    Welcome welcome! Good to see more people with Disco 2 fever!
  18. pourickleboy

    Newbie member and owner

    Ah a kindred spirit - welcome! I bought mine with a grand plan in mind but am now keeping Bruce as he is ;) ....minus a few leaks/squeaks/loose bits that should be tight/tight bits that should be loose / ....you get the idea
  19. pourickleboy

    Hello All!

    Welcome - I wanted to get my good lady a Supercharged RRS, but alas she refuses :( need to think up another excuse to have one now ;)