1. parts wanted

    Oily hub

    All of the above had the same last week, new cap and its sorted so did em all.
  2. parts wanted

    excessive brake pedal travel

    I have sorted mine out and it wil stop on a six pence. I can tell you that if the adjustors snap you are buggered and need a new backing plate but if not snapped you can get replacements. Type snail adjustors into the search engine and you will find a set.
  3. parts wanted

    excessive brake pedal travel

    Cheers Dude, they are tight solid so I will as you say check the shoes. I been worrying about vacuums and cylinders and all sorts of **** but a bit of common sense is what is needed and some wd40 hopefully.
  4. parts wanted

    excessive brake pedal travel

    some advice needed. Brake pedal travel a bit too much so I put new pads in the front (110 1985 12j). Same as before now thinking rear shoes, question is can I adjust the rears up and how? have found two things that look like adjustors. Also wondering could air have got into the system? any...
  5. parts wanted


    Bushes brushes inside the alternator, take it off and see if they worn. Hope that is of help its what I used to do with my mini and its the same stuff just bigger.
  6. parts wanted

    mains power sockets

    Cheeers Pos you have answered my dilmma, Maplins it is then.
  7. parts wanted

    mains power sockets

    :) wouldnt it. Going to have to get a split charge then as i was thinking invertor with the engine running would do the trick, but i guess not.
  8. parts wanted

    mains power sockets

    Just tuned in and really interested in this as off to france for two week drive round soon and wife just announced she wants to be able to use her hair dryer and starighteners! Just read 32 minutes to flat battery and started thinking b******s this could be expensive.
  9. parts wanted

    injectors stuck in the block

    Cheers Pos, the washer I annealed is the one before the pintel washer, did not ask for a guarantee just exchanged and went on my way. Will have to sort them out after my France trip as skint untill then.
  10. parts wanted

    injectors stuck in the block

    I don,t have the computer genius to do photos, but the dampness is around the part of the injector that disappears into the block. Now its all cleaned off with gunk, washed and dried I can see that it is this part of the injector that is getting wet with the stud as well and as the engine is...
  11. parts wanted

    injectors stuck in the block

    Pos, I have rechecked and you may have a point cos the studs are getting wet at an equal rate, as if diesel is tracking down. What does this mean?
  12. parts wanted

    injectors stuck in the block

    yes it is definitely coming upwards, put the washers in as you said with raised bit upwards tightened it down, even re anodised the big copper washer half way up.
  13. parts wanted

    injectors stuck in the block

    cheers guys, out and done though still a bit of weeping, nothing like it was. Used a wrecking bar/ crow bar sort of a thing in the end for levering upwards. Lots of carbon in there and lots of sunburn on the shoulders and that was only number one cylinder, three and four to go.
  14. parts wanted

    injectors stuck in the block

    12 j 2.5 n/a dude. Thanks for the reply. Got a bit worried cos they are recon and only been in about eight months. Will try and wiggle them out with it warm.
  15. parts wanted

    injectors stuck in the block

    concerned, help advice needed. Can I remove diesel injectors while engine warm? Symptoms are dampness around injectors. Got new washers went to fit and injector is in there solid. Moves but will not lift out. Will the engine being warm cause this?:confused:
  16. parts wanted

    Hello all (from Newport, South Wales)

    :welcome2: hello Dude, just down the road in Cardiff.
  17. parts wanted


    cheers dude, I will go ahead and get this cheap rad and sort out a similar set up. A bit late in the year for this but my top tip if its any good.... cheap radiator muffler, pound land tool roll exactly fits across front grill. used it all this winter just gone, and warm even in that snow and frost.
  18. parts wanted


    Not sure see, I got pipes going from oil filter to side of rad so assumed it is an integral oil cooler, just worrying new rad may not be same, but this lump has had a lot of ******g around done to it in its seven previous owners.
  19. parts wanted

    Hello from Kenya

    Jambo Bwana.:welcome2:
  20. parts wanted


    good advice, been offered a new rad real cheap that the guy says is for 90,110 diesel and v8. Have not seen it but was considering the oil cooler bit. Pretty sure current rad has integral oil cooler would be great if this one has the same. If not then as you say fit separate cooler.