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    Oily Injector Loom - What to do?

    Ok............... So, I have been at both male and female sides of the red plug with brake cleaner, and then had a go for about 5 minutes with the hairdryer. Put it all back together and no difference. The Landy still stuttering when being driven. I have now taken the ECU out of the truck, and...
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    Oily Injector Loom - What to do?

    There was oil, but it wasn't drenched. I'll get the hairdryer onto it before I try and take it out, and go from there. If it doesn't work, I can always take it out later. Thanks again for your help.
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    Oily Injector Loom - What to do?

    Thanks Ratty. Should i take the top off the ECU to do this???
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    Oily Injector Loom - What to do?

    Thanks for this. I'll clean up the red plug & ECU, and take it from there. Where do the wires on the black plug normally chaff???
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    Oily Injector Loom - What to do?

    Thanks Shifty. I have just sprayed the whole red plug with brake cleaner, but I reckon it is going to take some cleaning. The hair dryer is a good idea. I was going to use just compressed air. Did you remove the ECU from the Landy before cleaning it, or did you clean it in situ??
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    Oily Injector Loom - What to do?

    Johnlad..........You're a star!!! Many Thanks for this. I'll order a new loom in the morning, and do it my self. Thanks Again.
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    Oily Injector Loom - What to do?

    Will do.... Many Thanks.
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    Oily Injector Loom - What to do?

    Just for the record, I was told by the dealership, that this problem occurs because folks use the wrong kind of oil!!!!!
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    Oily Injector Loom - What to do?

    Because I am an idiot, can anyone give me step by step instructions on how to do this injector loom change. Many Thanks.
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    Oily Injector Loom - What to do?

    That's why I love this forum!!!! I was quoted over a grand for Landrover to do the work this afternoon!!!
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    Oily Injector Loom - What to do?

    I have today discovered that my engine woes, are probably due to oil coming through the fuel injection loom and into the red pug / socket into the ECU. I have been told by Land Rover, that this is a pretty expensive thing to replace (no surprise there). What can I do????
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    TD5 Nightmare

    Thanks Shifty. Would a problem with both cause similar symptoms???
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    TD5 Nightmare

    Thanks chaps. Where will I find the red plug?? And the crank position sensor?? Would a fault in the above make the engine management light come on??
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    TD5 Nightmare

    I have a TD5 Defender 110. I posted a while ago about starting the Landy, and then the accelerator being totally unresponsive. I have just done a journey for a about 2 hours and the the engine kept dying on me, and the engine management light came on the dash. Basically, the engine is...
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    On Going Brake Problems............

    Hi I have a 1999 TD5 Defender 110. I have had on going brake problems. My brakes are going from having full travel on the pedal with little braking, to a rock hard pedal with very strong braking (and every variant in between). Sometimes, when started, I have very little, and then gradually the...
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    A Clean MAP Sensor - What a Difference.

    I have just cleaned the MAP sensor on my 1999 TD5 Defender 110 for the first time. What a bloody difference it has made. Everything feels smoother, and quicker in terms of the engine. How often should I be cleaning this thing??
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    Accelerator Response Gone??

    Great advice, and a good link. I'll clean the sensor in the morning, and see how she goes. Thanks.
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    Accelerator Response Gone??

    Drive by wire I am afraid. No old fashioned throttle cable. I reckon something electronic is going on??????
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    Accelerator Response Gone??

    Hi I came home from a fairly brisk 50 mile run in my 1999 TD5 Defender 110 yesterday, and I stopped to pick my son up and after starting up again after about 10 minutes, there wasn't any response from the accelerator pedal. The Defender started fine, just nothing from the pedal. I turn the...
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    New Clutch??

    Howdy I am getting a juddering from my 1999 TD5 110, when I release the clutch. I am presuming it is time for a new one (clutch that is....). I am looking on Fleabay at clutch and fly wheel kits. Does it make sense to go for one with a modified flywheel??? Any recommendations on what to get...