1. D

    front exhaust pipe 109 diesel ex mod

    Hi all, a couple of questions for the knowledgeable folk on here, first does anyone know which front exhaust fits, part number wise to my landy? And also the present exhaust snapped right behind the manifold joint( exhaust side), so I want to know if there is supposed to be a bracket somewhere...
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    battery relocation on 200di conversion!

    Sounds like a plan! Just make a frame up and extend the cables, I like it! Thanks!
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    battery relocation on 200di conversion!

    I need to keep the 3 seat arraignment for me the Mrs and kiddie! It's all a bit of a headache tbh! Thinking of just trying to find a 5mb 2.25 diesel to drop straight in! Cheers again, dan
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    battery relocation on 200di conversion!

    Thank you both, think lifting it up in the engine bay would be easiest, can keep the same wiring etc! Now just got to find a bloody engine for a reasonable price! I do wonder if it's not best look for a 5 mb diesel engine and just drop it straight in?
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    battery relocation on 200di conversion!

    Hi again all, right looked at all the Glencoyne stuff and other threads but still can't figure this out! If I put a 200di engine in me s3 109 ex mod where does the battery go as I have under seat fuel tanks? Wondering if it ain't easier to look for a 5 bearing crank diesel and just do a straight...
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    109 ex mod 200di conv. easy?

    Hi again all, after the earlier post about my engine dying and all your responses, I think the 200di would be the best way for me to go. Now, after reading about a million posts and threads on here I'm confused.com again! Will it drop straight in a mod 109 or does it need a lot of fettling...
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    Hi there, hope this isn't taking a liberty but thought it was worth a try! I have been reading...

    Hi there, hope this isn't taking a liberty but thought it was worth a try! I have been reading some old posts and see that you do recons? My mechanic tells me my engine(2.25 diesel) is worn. Needs new pistons, rings etc. Could you tell me how much a rebuild to a good solid reliable?? Engine...
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    bugger, s#it, pis#! new engine!

    It's a 2.25 diesel. I'm after the cheapest, easiest and hassle free option really! I think a rebuild would be a good idea, but then I'm without a motor for the time it takes, so would it be quicker to gamble on a brought in engine and then rebuild in our own time? Confused.com! Lol.:whoosh:
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    bugger, s#it, pis#! new engine!

    How much would a rebuild be roughly? I know what you mean with better the devil you know!
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    bugger, s#it, pis#! new engine!

    Ha ha yeah, a new one would be like hens teeth! The mechanic reckons the rings and all that are knackered so the oil is literally running out of everywhere, done a couple of litres in a week! New old engine it is me thinks, then strip the old one and see just how bad it is! Is there a lot of old...
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    bugger, s#it, pis#! new engine!

    Just got me mechanic to have a look at the oil leaks, he went round it and said it needs rebuilding something about rings,pistols etc. I trust him completely and believe what he says so new engine it is! Anyone one know of any going cheap! Lol. Great start to the weekend!
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    pick up cab roof seals

    Thanks for that, had a look and think I'm going to be spending a fortune on that site! Seems to have everything under one roof! Cheers again, dan
  13. D

    pick up cab roof seals

    Hi again all, I'm after a complete set of roof seals for my pick up cab series 3. Where's the best place to get them from and are some better than others etc, are there different types and what sort of price would I be looking at? I have spoken to a bloke that's quoted 53 quid Inc delivery? Is...
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    stupid question number 2!!!

    Will try and get some uploaded, im proper ****e with technology though so bare with me! Lol. Will have a go tomorrow!
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    stupid question number 2!!!

    I'm in winslow in bucks! I think having a good look at another series would be really helpfull if there is anybody local? So in the short term I should leave the brake hose connected and try and connect the breather directly into the air intake hose! You lot are all top chaps and have been most...
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    stupid question number 2!!!

    Update! Looking at the pic I can see where the pipe needs to go into the intake, but on mine there's already a pipe there that goes back across the engine bay into what looks like the brake master slave thing above the steering column. It's a big circular drum about 6 inches a cross? Any ideas...
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    stupid question number 2!!!

    hi thanks everyone, i think its a 2286 engine. will go and see if i can find a hose and copy the pic! i dont think its over filled with oil, if anything the dipsticks reading low! drove it 175 miles back from wales on saturday, drove well just noticed lots of oil on floor when its parked. i know...
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    stupid question number 2!!!

    Hi again, im after some advice from those in the know! its a stupid question but i cant seem to find the info im looking for anywhere! here goes, on the top of the engine (1980? Series 3 diesel ex mod) is the engine breather, i have oil spraying out of it covering the engine! i take it that this...
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    This looks ok and cheap what do you think?

    Great reading! Oh and I ain't no brain box but isn't it tell thee not tell the? :caked: ha ha. Love this place already!
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    how do i find out if its a 3 or 5 bearing engine

    Sweet, thanks guys! Will have a butcher's in the morning!