1. Chrisw8

    Big Stripdown and Weld thread 300tdi

    Seam welded. - only 3 blow throughs!! Pointy end made and welded. Just a small patch to make and weld tomorrow.
  2. Chrisw8

    Big Stripdown and Weld thread 300tdi

    Got the one bit of boot panel fitted. Puddle welded through wheel arch. I might seam weld it inside as well.? Had to chop the pointy bit off the top, and will need to fabricate a piece to fit, hopefully tomorrow’s job.
  3. Chrisw8

    Steep learning curve

    hey Resto, you got a Defender on the go ??
  4. Chrisw8

    Drive away lock

    Ah......they stay locked when you stop.
  5. Chrisw8

    Drive away lock

    Why would you need the doors locked while driving ?
  6. Chrisw8

    Big Stripdown and Weld thread 300tdi

    Sounds a good idea to me. Can’t get back under it the next 3 weeks or so.......working :( Still, felt good getting hands dirty, even if for a short while !!!
  7. Chrisw8

    Big Stripdown and Weld thread 300tdi

    yeah. my garage is a good un.
  8. Chrisw8

    Big Stripdown and Weld thread 300tdi

    Don’t go there
  9. Chrisw8

    Big Stripdown and Weld thread 300tdi

    Ahhh.......no. I’m not lifting, putting std height shocks on. Mrs has enough trouble getting in as it is !!
  10. Chrisw8

    Big Stripdown and Weld thread 300tdi

    ?? Wots them ?? Got polybushes to fit.
  11. Chrisw8

    Big Stripdown and Weld thread 300tdi

    Well, back at it today...... Finally got n/s front castor arm off. Almost got shock and spring off, but bottom bolt kept turning. Back hurting too much to improvise. ...... another day. Down to my friendly garage to get bushes pressed out tomorrow.
  12. Chrisw8

    Steep learning curve

    why is there half bottle wine left ??
  13. Chrisw8

    Mig Welders

    I use Adams gas. Deposit on bottle, and refill when empty.
  14. Chrisw8

    Britpart top shock polybushes

    You know you got to fit the big washers round side against bushes not the flat side. eg )||(
  15. Chrisw8

    Refurbishing my 1997 defender 300 TDI

    Looks good. Keep the piccies coming :)
  16. Chrisw8

    Steep learning curve

    I tried that, but my eyesight started to fail !!!
  17. Chrisw8

    Steep learning curve

    Still waiting for warmer weather. :( Got arthritis in my right hand...hurts like buggery when I wake up.
  18. Chrisw8

    Steep learning curve

    I painted mine :)
  19. Chrisw8

    Steep learning curve

    Don’t think that link works either !! His name is Nic Hurst
  20. Chrisw8

    Steep learning curve

    They were on marketplace......round your way too. This is the guy https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=528230456