1. Ashoofack

    Rust, Rust Everywhere!!

    More pics please dopey
  2. Ashoofack

    Vibrating gearsticks & Clutch Judder!

    Yup a reckon mine does that too. Transfer box always topped up gearbox always low. I reckon it'll stay that way too until I need to kift the box for something else.
  3. Ashoofack

    Vibrating gearsticks & Clutch Judder!

    here Marcus have you found your wading plug yet?
  4. Ashoofack

    Rust, Rust Everywhere!!

    not too difficult but it's a two man job. Haynes explains it pretty well
  5. Ashoofack

    Where to buy

    kin hell - they's expensive
  6. Ashoofack

    Painting Her White

    I've seen a couple now that were roller painetd in a garage and have to say I was mighty impressed by the results.
  7. Ashoofack

    Rust, Rust Everywhere!!

    the rust by your clutch pedal looks like it has been caused by a leaky master cylinder. Take of the cover plate above the cylinder (6 screws) and have a look - if it's leaking change it (or seal kit if you're mega tight), dump all the remaining fluid (bleed screw is by slave cylinder - on bell...
  8. Ashoofack

    Painting Her White

  9. Ashoofack

    So What is it with Series landies

    Doh! - what else would I drive? The wifes 2 seater. I don't think so.
  10. Ashoofack

    Where to buy

    I looked at them a while back - even went as far as getting in touch. Their landies seemed axpensive and I found this :News Item then walked away. They may have turned over a new leaf, however ........ Than again it may well be a completely different company - you never know
  11. Ashoofack

    new to series

    And it's tax exempt.
  12. Ashoofack

    Leaf spring referb

    That's pretty much what I use - fairly thin (penetrative) oil at least once a month.
  13. Ashoofack

    highering series 3

    Fraid not Grunt. There is a law which prevents the use of the the words Vauxhall and acceleration in the same statement.
  14. Ashoofack

    series 3 turning over

    Appen I'm a ****wit today - Doh!!!!
  15. Ashoofack

    series 3 turning over

    Yup that's what I'd cal Overrun On big old horizotaly opposed diesel engines there's the danger that if you got overrun it'd suck oil in from the engine and run away till she blew herself up. Another cause (if my memory serves me right) was excessive coking up of the cylinders but this was...
  16. Ashoofack

    2.5 N/A Still showing as overheating???

    Is it the standard S3 radiator or the heavy duty three core one?
  17. Ashoofack

    LandyZone Car Stickers

    Trewy, PM sent fur sum stickers
  18. Ashoofack

    Ideas for cooling!!

    If it has [got a radiator] is a standard or heavy duty 3 core type? Is the electric fan up to the job? What temp does the fan cut in at? Are the coolant passages blocked with ****e? Does switching your heater on full blast make any difference? Questions questions..........
  19. Ashoofack

    highering series 3

    All three of Newton's laws apply to everything everywhere (well except for in black holes and before the big bang). His third law is my apritcular favourite and was well demonstrated when Basil Fawlty's car broke down at the junction: I. Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to...
  20. Ashoofack

    2.5 N/A Still showing as overheating???

    Does your heater work well? Have you flushed your radiator, heater matrix and engine block through?