1. M

    Leaving your car running on a frosty morning...

    Have just taken off the dirty great big engine fan from our TD5, wont help cold start of course but may allow the engine to warm up a bit quicker..............
  2. M

    How to use low range gearbox?

    I only use low range when reversing our horse trailer but make a point of using it now and again to keep the linkage free. Have two 16.2 horses to tow on Sunday (= 2.5 tons hanging off the back) and its good to know that low range is there in reserve if I come up against a particularly steep...
  3. M

    Radio turns off when heater blower, or full beam are turned on

    Confirm electrical fault! Always start by making sure the radio has a good solid earth. Once that is sorted if need be run a direct fused supply from the battery, in simple terms it will be the supply or earth, just a process of elimination really. Also check the earths on the lights and heater
  4. M

    Warning Lights

    I had the traction control light on after connecting up to a trailer when the brake light circuit shorted. Replace the brake light fuse (and rewired the trailer!) and all was well. This probably wont account for the 3 amigos, but may resolve the traction control light, so try the brake lights...
  5. M

    TD5 first problem!

    You call that a problem? you ain't seen nothing yet!!! Just damp on the inside, both my MX5's have condensation on the inside of the windscreen as a result of the samething, just leave the windows open on a sunny day and let it air................
  6. M

    wrong battery

    I am budgeting for a new battery, but will continue as is until we have to replace it. Tayna seem pretty good value, thanks for that tip!
  7. M

    wrong battery

    Interesting, my TD5 is fitted with an HB072 which is 510 CA and only 68AH, not had a problem with starting although I appreciate a bigger battery would be better. (previous owner put this in and it's still fine, so I'll change it if it fails) Before you get another battery I would check all the...
  8. M

    Central Locking/Immobiliser

    brilliant, same issue with ours, can you tell me where to find it please?
  9. M

    not sure if my td5 has been chipped!

    the previous owner reckoned ours had been chipped but I have nothing to compare with so am not sure! It does pull very strongly from 1800 - 3000 revs though, and on to 4000 if I really want to!
  10. M

    Power problem at 3500rpm please help :(

    I rarely rev mine that much even towing 2 horses!!!! I find best power is between 1800 and 3000, although when the engine is hot and the air is cold I have managed 4000 just for the hell of it!
  11. M

    Acceleration ...

    our td5 tows a two horse trailer no problem......power is 1800 - 3000 but once used to it, no problem. Yes pulling away needs a few revs on board but the total train weight is 5 tons plus so only to be expected.......
  12. M

    Sorry Tale of Woe... TD5 (many problems)

    Not too disimilar with our £3000 X plate TD5, had to spend £1600 getting clutch, propshafts etc sorted. Have since removed EGR and replaced front brakes. Now seems fine and does 30 mpg and goes like stink in the cold weather.......MOT in December, no doubt more expense. The only consolation...
  13. M

    My new td5.........hmmmmm

    we have an s spec, no sunroofs to leak and rot the boot floor, no aircon to drink fuel and go wrong, coil springs, no airbags/compressors to go wrong, no elec seats to go wrong, the list goes on!!!! It's got ABS, Traction, and elec windows all round with central locking (when it remembers)...
  14. M

    TD5 + Cold air!!!

    Has anyone else experienced better performance when the air is cold? Took mine out for first time in 3 weeks and it was absolutely flying. Have also found it's a bit sluggish when the air is really hot (well OK that is with 2 tons of horse and trailer on the back!)
  15. M

    where are these disco prices coming from

    I can see Disco 1 & 2 prices at least holding if not rising, after all if you need sucha vehicle (mine tows a 2 horse trailer) there are few alternatives. Disco 3 & 4 are out for most people as the maintenance costs are just daft. I even think if LR starting making the TD5 again (galvanised...
  16. M

    Squealing sound when clutch pedal depressed

    Of course it is it's a Land Rover!!! Most likely clutch release bearing or flywheel bush. Gearbox out the pray you dont need a new flywheel at the same time.....................
  17. M

    TD5 Down Change Problem

    For God's sake put an introduction in the appropriate section befire the forum Rotweillers savage you!!!! If the clutch has no pressure but will pump up then it's pretty certain there is a problem with the master or slave cylinder. First check the fluid level and have a look at both for any...
  18. M

    Flat Battery - Can't jump start as alarm and immobiliser activate

    mmm yes but you cant trust even main dealers to know what they are doing!!!!
  19. M

    heavy clutch

    yep ours is brand new, with a new DMF, master and slave cylinder and it's still heavy and with a quite dead feel. One thing I have done is to make plate the same size as the pedal and spaced this out about 15mm from the pedal using 4 bolts and spacers and put the rubber back on top. This has...
  20. M

    td5 Auto vrs manual, which is the Best?

    I have a TD5 manual and tow a horse trailer. The big difference for me is the fuel consumption, I can live with the 30 mpg from the manual, but not the 25 from the auto. I spoke to another owner of an auto recently who tows a big trailer and he said it was very slow to pull away at a junction...