
New Member
Hi could do with some advice.I was towing a car trailer yesterday which had no car on at the time. I was doing about 50 on the motorway when some muppet decided that he was in the wrong lane and wanted the jubction that i was passing.So had to hit the brakes hard just to miss him !!! However i now have the T/C light on ABS light on and the left hand 3 amigos light on any advice would be aprreciated thanks Dez.
Now thats very helpful:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi
I had the traction control light on after connecting up to a trailer when the brake light circuit shorted. Replace the brake light fuse (and rewired the trailer!) and all was well.

This probably wont account for the 3 amigos, but may resolve the traction control light, so try the brake lights and fuse first.

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