1. S

    Rear Seat questions

    All sorted, easy enough Log book back from DVLA with no issues Rang insurance, and a little bit of hassle with underwriters etc its all be covered with just the admin fee to pay
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    1989 LT77 gear box issues, selector keeps jumping out

    Thanks for the part no. Just ordered the bush now and I will pick up some Loctite and see if it holds up :) Cheers
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    1989 LT77 gear box issues, selector keeps jumping out

    Morning all :) When I bought the landy lost all gears, found to be the gear selector little grub screw worked loose, tightened it up and all worked well for a few weeks and it started playing up again. Drive a few miles and it works lose or pops off again, sick of fixing it a the road side a...
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    Can you use fume curtain with a bikini set up?

    Yeah when looking at with limited pics online I reckon it could be made to fit without any major work. No they didn't, I may ask them why it doesn't work together to see what they say. Thanks
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    Can you use fume curtain with a bikini set up?

    That looks smart that
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    Can you use fume curtain with a bikini set up?

    Eventually I want to get the full canvas set up but its a expensive set up all brand new. The truck cab canvas does look decent but quite expensive for the actually canvas rather than the frames. Currently set up as the 3 seater pick up, so was going to just chuck a bikini set up and bench...
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    Can you use fume curtain with a bikini set up?

    Hello Just a quick one, I was looking at the bikini set up for summer https://www.exmoortrim.co.uk/defender-bikini-hoods-2499.html and spotted the fume curtain (does come in black) as below and it looks like they can be used in conjunction together. I asked Essex trim if they work together...
  8. S

    Rear Seat questions

    Good to hear the DVLA are not an issue Mines down as 3 seats at the moment, but only two as I have no middle seat in the cab. are the benches for 2 people? So I could have 4 In back and 2 in front, so am I best sticking change to 6 seats down? Thanks
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    Rear Seat questions

    Spot on, thanks for the replies ill do some reading on the attached document - I will sort the v5 out and send it off when I get them fitted. Thanks' :)
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    Rear Seat questions

    Morning, I have been doing some research on numerous forums trying to find some answers and experience regarding rear seats as so many mixed answers I have a 1989 90 pick up, down on the log book as a 3 seater (currently only two as no middle seat fitted) I am going to covert the solid cab...
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    I have only used the spray in clear dinitrol wax on the underside of mk1 escort. worked well over the years and can see through so beats underseal
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    Wheel, Space help ... alot of info around online :)

    Yeah never been a fan of spacers, id rather fit the a set of wheels that will fit without. Yeah some of the wheel nuts are just spinning and not tightening up, these do come off when out okay but just don't tighten. and I have two wheel nuts that are spinning but they will not come off just...
  13. S

    Removing Raptar paint/liner

    Little update, managed to get the dam raptor stuff off after a long few nights in the garage. Doors where bad so sold them to someone who wanted to restore them and but the old series style door and painted it green. Flatted off now ready for a top coat
  14. S

    Wheel, Space help ... alot of info around online :)

    G Morning all! After some advice, got these freestyle wheels and spacers that where fitted by previous owner. Some of the wheel bolts are spinning on the spacer bolts so I want to ideally get them off and get rid of the wheels and spacers. They are currently on 285/75R16 tyres and do scrub on...
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    Would a 100 crew can hoodstick set for a 90?

    Haha my bad. Don't think I was on the beer, I'll blame by tiny phone screen. Was wondering if this https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F232716153954 Would fit my 90 pick up Thanks
  16. S

    Would a 100 crew can hoodstick set for a 90?

    Would a 100 crew can hoodstick set for a 90? Thanks :) Looks very similar so just wondering
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    Tow bar fitting advice / help

    Got the spats to go on when are finished :) .. cba with any hassle for the plod, not that there is many around now with all these cut backs! haha well had to take the roof off as I nearly took the garage door out trying to fit it in, fits just about with the roof off.
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    Tow bar fitting advice / help

    Haha.. mine doesn't, it also lacks the bubble arches!
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    Tow bar fitting advice / help

    haha thanks for the info. Yeah been good to do abit of strip down and freshen up on the landy as its the first one I have had and gives you a good idea on how they are set up. had to sort the gear selectors the other day as that worked loose giving me no gears lol. Used to the old 70s fords...
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    Tow bar fitting advice / help

    Anyone able to help with steering? lol Want to replace bushes and steering damper due to a lot of play, the damper is a easy swap. But when I look up joints and steering rod on ebay and online the bars look straight but the one my 90 looks like this...