

Picked up a landy and someone had painted the whole thing using raptor paint and then painted It white over the top so it has a textured finish. Its known to be tough and used on pick up beds.

Going to be a right pain to remove it, any got any ideas?
Chemicals? or grinder and wirewheel jobby all round?

Is is actually over painted or have they used a white tinted raptor paint? No idea how you would remove it, but if it is a tinted raptor then I would have thought you are better off leaving it as it will be a lot of work to get it off, and you should never damage it.
Tbh I wouldnt bother, the only way is with a grinder, which will create heat, which will warp the pannels. You'll end up doing more damage trying to remove it.

I had to touch up my boot lid after the primer failed, re-keyed the areas using a wire wheel on a grinder barely damaged it.

Any reason you want to remove it?
Is is actually over painted or have they used a white tinted raptor paint? No idea how you would remove it, but if it is a tinted raptor then I would have thought you are better off leaving it as it will be a lot of work to get it off, and you should never damage it.

Any reason you want to remove it?[/QUOTE]

Believe it was raptor paint in grey, and then they have gone over it with a gloss white paint (presume 2pak) ... yeah its tough old stuff. Its been sprayed on damaged door and panels with no prep before hand so the finish isn't great.

Main reason to remove it sort out panels and paint it properly. I know whatever happens its going to be a pig to remove the damn stuff haha
Tbh I wouldnt bother, the only way is with a grinder, which will create heat, which will warp the pannels. You'll end up doing more damage trying to remove it.

I had to touch up my boot lid after the primer failed, re-keyed the areas using a wire wheel on a grinder barely damaged it.

Any reason you want to remove it?

Yeah it seems tough stuff, it just doesn't look right with the textured finish atall.

Ideally would like to go back to bare and repair the panels that have just been painted over before being repaired properly. I wonder if I could get some good grit sandpaper on machine and smooth it off so there is no texture and re spray it normally.
Why did you buy it if you didn't want textured finish. I'd say learn to love it or sell it as you will never get panels back to a good enough finish for paint. Have you thought of going over it again with a tinted raptor.
Why did you buy it if you didn't want textured finish. I'd say learn to love it or sell it as you will never get panels back to a good enough finish for paint. Have you thought of going over it again with a tinted raptor.

Price too good to pass up on at the time, didn't have a massive budget as its my 4th motor.

Could be a possibility to sort the body issues out, raptor the repaired bits and may go for a darker colour, as its white at the moment and may look better in a dark green or grey with the textured finish.

Can't get my head around wot you are asking ! DO you wont to remove raptor on inside or out side ?? Or just repaint ???
Even if you had it given to you, you'd spends £££££££££,s getting it back to paint which would cost more than motor was worth. Thats also assuming the rest of the motor is mint, which I doubt. Good luck, you've got some work ahead of you.;)
If I was you I would grind back the poorly painted/damaged areas, fix them. The respray with Raptor, at least improving yhe finish.

By trying to remove it you will do more damage.
Good news, it comes of with a little heat from the heat gun and a scraper, peels off like a wrap
It must not of been prepped properly before the raptor coat was applied which is good for me as at least I can remove it.
Beat me to it, I was going to suggest heat. Its "car artex" and so it is great for lowering the value when you are buying but you need a plan to get it off. As its plastic it will be hard to dissolve or sand but it will have a low melting point, it probably burns well too! As its thick it should peel off once its hot. As you are finding the good news is (like artex) most times its put on in a rush with poor prep so it falls off easier. Fumes are probably toxic so do it outside in a slight breeze.
Beat me to it, I was going to suggest heat. Its "car artex" and so it is great for lowering the value when you are buying but you need a plan to get it off. As its plastic it will be hard to dissolve or sand but it will have a low melting point, it probably burns well too! As its thick it should peel off once its hot. As you are finding the good news is (like artex) most times its put on in a rush with poor prep so it falls off easier. Fumes are probably toxic so do it outside in a slight breeze.

Yeah that's how I described it, its like artex, yeah a full days work on it I reckon I could remove it all. At first I was worried as its a tough old coating its not easy to scratch or damage.

Ideal I know it will come off now as down the line I will remove the lot and get it all painted up. For now I am going to get it through the MOT and get some use out of it before I decide to properly tidy it all up.


Currently squashed in the garage, had to let the tyres down to clear the door opening hah
Little update, managed to get the dam raptor stuff off after a long few nights in the garage. Doors where bad so sold them to someone who wanted to restore them and but the old series style door and painted it green. Flatted off now ready for a top coat


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