
Just a quick one, I was looking at the bikini set up for summer

and spotted the fume curtain (does come in black) as below and it looks like they can be used in conjunction together. I asked Essex trim if they work together who said no, anyone tried it or can see why now?

May be it's the way the bikini holds on to the roof bar that stops it.

Why not buy a truck cab and roll it back?
We can also roll the back up & leave the roof on
Best of both worlds.
May be it's the way the bikini holds on to the roof bar that stops it.

Why not buy a truck cab and roll it back?
We can also roll the back up & leave the roof on
Best of both worlds.

Eventually I want to get the full canvas set up but its a expensive set up all brand new. The truck cab canvas does look decent but quite expensive for the actually canvas rather than the frames.

Currently set up as the 3 seater pick up, so was going to just chuck a bikini set up and bench seats in the back for when the log comes back with the seat change so I can carry more people in summer just locally. Only reason I asked is the fume curtain would work is for a tad more security as it will be enclosed and will help water proof it a little more.

You could be right regarding fitting, Exmoor trim said they don't work together and I assume they must be right lol

Have you tried under cover covers?
Based in Birmingham. You tell these what you want & they make it.
This truck cab rolls up and straps there. There are 2 straps to stop it flapping.
They also made the back cover & this Velcros on to the rear of the truck cab.
Probably cheaper than exmoor.
They say the fume curtain doesn't work with the bikini top ......that doesn't mean it can't be made to work, just doesn't work straight out of the box, it just depends on how much you want to chance it.
Did they explain why or in what way it won't work?
They say the fume curtain doesn't work with the bikini top ......that doesn't mean it can't be made to work, just doesn't work straight out of the box, it just depends on how much you want to chance it.
Did they explain why or in what way it won't work?

Yeah when looking at with limited pics online I reckon it could be made to fit without any major work.

No they didn't, I may ask them why it doesn't work together to see what they say.

i got a truck cab canvas from all wheel trim and am very pleased, i roll up the back for open air action

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