1. Kazzi

    Hello All from Leighton Buzzard

    :welcome: Have a look at the green laning section - Hertfordshire lanes - great bunch of guys!
  2. Kazzi


    :welcome: to the gang! Your life will never be the same now you are owned by a Landy :D
  3. Kazzi

    New Member Old Landy Fan

    :welcome: Bruce!! Just had a look at the website - brilliant stuff! So, as has already been said, keep up the good work :D
  4. Kazzi

    Hello from Cheshire

    :D Me too - that's my baby! She looks pretty good in that pic but trust me, she has plenty of character marks - as she should have! Only had Beanie for just over a year - had my S2 (Frog) for 17 years before that! Your little grey beastie looks good and if she's solid underneath and has a...
  5. Kazzi

    Hello from Cheshire

    :hysterically_laughi (yes, I'm easily amused) Welcome to the world of Series ownership - it's great fun so long as you understand that there will always be something that needs doing and you will often be left scratching your head and turning to the peeps on here who will keep you right -...
  6. Kazzi

    Hi From Afghanistan

    A great big :welcome2: Thinking of you all over there you fabulous bunch!!
  7. Kazzi

    Hi to all and seasons greetings.

    Yep. Wind, snow, grits (small hail) and drifting. Not much lying here really but a mile down the road could be a different story - normal Caithness style winter weather. Hope your mate gets back to Wick safely - by the way, your mate hasn't just travelled up from Wales has he?
  8. Kazzi

    The Mad Cow cometh!

    Who's Betty Hill? (he he) Probably the same as here only colder and windier!!:)
  9. Kazzi

    Hi to all and seasons greetings.

    :welcome2: and Seasons Greetings to you too :)
  10. Kazzi

    The Mad Cow cometh!

    Yay! :welcome2: to another crazy lady from another crazy lady!!! :D I already live in Gods country - right at the top and it is SNOWING - I will be shouting Yippee only when I solve the issue of why my Beanie (that's my little Landy's name) is refusing to go into 4wd :( Nevertheless I...
  11. Kazzi

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    It's a little breezy in the Far North. Well, when I say breezy, if anyone reports that a little brown Landy has suddenly appeared in the Orkneys - IT'S MINE!!!
  12. Kazzi

    Ruddy FWHs!

    You guys welcome any time! Our German friends and apparently a bunch of others in Landies from Blacklandy, the German Landyzone (10 at last count) are descending on us at the end of May - I've booked one of our neighbours fields as a campsite. It'll be a riot and we're just one stop on their...
  13. Kazzi

    New boy (Sort of)

    It wasn't me, honest Guvnor! Right up at the top of Scotland but no problem taking a leafer all the way down (perhaps next year if all goes well). Came up here in my 2A - t'was grand! (apart from getting pulled on the A9 by a young copper for not wearing a seatbelt :eek: - bless him, he...
  14. Kazzi

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Oh, we live nearer Thurso than Wick in a place called Durran :)
  15. Kazzi

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    *Sniff* Thank you Jai - what a lovely thing to say!! Is that what up here's called - Scotlandsville? Down South is called 'Englandshire' up here :D LRJack - have a safe and fun trip. It's white up here at the moment with plenty of ice and I think Inverness is pretty much the same however...
  16. Kazzi

    Hello from the Highlands

  17. Kazzi

    New boy (Sort of)

    Yay!! Jai's one of the great bunch I mentioned so hope you get a chance to go out and play. You'll be fine in either vehicle - seriously, these guys will see you alright (and if they can put up with me which they did for many years ...........:rolleyes:). Yes I can picture certain areas of...
  18. Kazzi

    Hey Jai, There's a Newbie from Luton just joined the forum - looking to go laning - name is...

    Hey Jai, There's a Newbie from Luton just joined the forum - looking to go laning - name is Drookit Dug
  19. Kazzi

    New boy (Sort of)

    :welcome2: Good to have one of our national treasures (that's anyone serving or who has served in our forces and services) joining in. Used to live in Luton and there's some great people there who would make you very welcome so I'm going to fire a PM at one of them. Have fun :)
  20. Kazzi

    Ruddy FWHs!

    Hey Jai That's really good of you. If your pal's coming up this far, he can come stay here if he likes. To be honest I'm planning on binning the hubs - never had this problem with Frog so back to basics I think, particularly as we're so far off the beaten track and parts are pretty hard to...