
Well as of yesterday I've managed to raise the balance for my next beast, and expect to be driving her very shortly. I'm in Scarborough, and the 'Mad Cow' reference is thanks to my beast's registration... when I first glanced at the advert online and saw 'BSE' - I thought, who on earth would want that? I should've known better.
This is my third Series 3. Back in the nineties I had a 4-cyl petrol and later a diesel, which carried me, lots of aid and other drivers to Belarus and Russia, helping the 'Children of Chernobyl.'
I'm a bit more sedate these days, although I am planning a trip to Scotland in 2012 - mainly because I hope to sell up and live there later.
So 'Hi' to anyone online right now (Ok, it's late, so what?) and to those of you who suceed us 'night owls' sometime later on.
Sylvan Rose
:welcome2: to what've you got now? Piccies please......we like piccies.......failing that some of your Landy will do :D

Sounds like you've been up to some interesting stuff........look forward to hearing more
Right now I've got a bulging bank balance...! Once I've got rid of this, BSE is mine. Previously I had Xanadu (also known as Bumpy) & a rather knackered S3 that was rolled on the A1 while towing a horse in a trailer. It certainly turned heads when it was back on the road minus roof, doors & windscreen. Now that one was a bit on the chilly side!
A bulging bank balance is all very well but it wont give you the silly grin only Series owners truly understand :D
Well as of a few minutes ago, the Mad Cow has a MAD grin on her face (nothing unusual there then!) because the bank transfer is done and I'm now the owner of BSE!
Once I get some pics (my photographer friend jumped at the chance of getting dirty in the forest!) I'll post some here.
:welcome2: I used to holiday in Scarborough, I ended up on stage with my young daughter and the Chucklebrothers one year. Whereabouts in Gods Country you planning on moving to?:)
Yay! :welcome2: to another crazy lady from another crazy lady!!! :D

I already live in Gods country - right at the top and it is SNOWING - I will be shouting Yippee only when I solve the issue of why my Beanie (that's my little Landy's name) is refusing to go into 4wd :( Nevertheless I love her and have lots of crows feet from grinning like a loon when I'm driving! So............welcome to the gang!

Kaz X
Yay! :welcome2: to another crazy lady from another crazy lady!!! :D

I already live in Gods country - right at the top and it is SNOWING - I will be shouting Yippee only when I solve the issue of why my Beanie (that's my little Landy's name) is refusing to go into 4wd :( Nevertheless I love her and have lots of crows feet from grinning like a loon when I'm driving! So............welcome to the gang!

Kaz X
How is Betty Hill?:D
Hi again,
Caithness! Crikey - no wonder you need a Landy. Don't think I could persuade my elderly mum to move that far, so we're only looking at the south-east from the borders up through Fife, Perthshire, Angus & Dundee. We'll be coming for a trip next year - find out which areas have the best Landy services, trails and tracks, oh, and a couple of LPG garages would be nice.
My Landy's last home was up in God's Country somewhere, only the old dears had decided they needed something warmer (Japanese!) Anyway, the Mad Cow will have to put up with God's own 'County' for a bit longer.
There was a fantastic water mill up for sale near Wick a few weeks back - needed a lot of work, but large enough for 3 apartments, own electricity, and just £60k. I can dream...
Hello Madame Moo ....

I'd gie Fife a miss, unless you race pigeons or whippets, are wartyer than a toad and adore the stink of linoleum being made. :behindsofa: :D
Haste ye forth to somplace North of the Tay ...

Except perhaps Dundee itself, which is known more as DISNEYLAND ...
(disney pay the rent, disney pay the electric ... yada yada... ) ;)

& Stay awa fae the granite city, if yer purse knows whats good for it.

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