USA - vehicle insurance

    Does anyone know where I can get vehicle insurance for a trip to the USA and Canada where the vehicle will be just over 20 years old and be UK registered.
  2. OLDUN

    Morocco Easter time 2015

    Tried photobucket but a bit beyond me will try flickr Yes Mike everything on mine is standard except the filter!!.
  3. OLDUN

    Morocco Easter time 2015

    Well got the 110 back a few days ago - looks like the K & N filter is the culprit - research shows it cannot cope with fine dust - looks like a replacement engine job. Tried to get some photos uploaded but files too big!!.
  4. OLDUN

    Morocco Easter time 2015

    It's a tricky one - will initially try for a rebuild - after 12 trips and I can't believe I've done that many since 2010 to North Africa the 110 probably needs a bit of other work also - I can see a big bill looming. Next year it will first travel several thousand miles in a container!!.
  5. OLDUN

    Morocco Easter time 2015

    Well Mike I opted for the cheaper option from Germany - about £80 any car with my wife and I covered - AA equivalent for UK and Europe would have been well over £400. So in 3 years have saved nearly £1000 but just have to wait a bit longer for the car to get back. So it's probably worth it -...
  6. OLDUN

    Morocco Easter time 2015

    Spoke to ADAC today - apparently the 110 is on its way to Germany - so it will take at least two more weeks to arrive in UK.
  7. OLDUN

    Morocco Easter time 2015

    I seemed destined to be a follower - just wait until you can really follow me and then you will see some rough stuff. Still unable to upload some photos as my kit is in the 110 which has not yet returned home from Spain. Doubt I will be able to go next Spring as hoping to do something even...
  8. OLDUN

    Morocco Easter time 2015

    Well I did eat a burger at the campsite in Tarifa but was unavailable for many hours afterwards!!. Will try and get some pics up from my camera as soon as I have finished cutting the lawn - still half way to go. Still waiting for the 110 to make its way home.
  9. OLDUN

    Morocco Easter time 2015

    Mike I don't know how you can use the o-d word - I will only accept older!. Seriously though Mike and James would I have done that willingly - a few miles from Salamanca pale white smoke out of the exhaust resulted in the engine cutting out immediately - luckily the road was deserted and I...
  10. OLDUN

    Morocco Easter time 2015

    Well after 8,500 miles and half way back through Spain the 110 and I had had enough so flew home from Madrid and arranged for the 110 to be transported back and I should see it again in a couple of weeks!!.
  11. OLDUN

    Morocco March 2016

    Thanks - will try my best.
  12. OLDUN

    Morocco March 2016

    Thanks Mike - first two weeks organised trip then two weeks with Peter from Denmark then two weeks with Simon and Matt - back about mid April.
  13. OLDUN

    Morocco March 2016

    Just have to fill new water tank in rear wheel arch and but food in fridge then off - but trying desperately to keep away from everyone who has flu around me and so far so good!!.
  14. OLDUN

    Morocco March 2016

    I do hope yours works better than mine - my Waeco has two switch off settings - but even the lowest is two high. Having said that just replaced the alternator with 40w for one with 100w!. Five days to go.
  15. OLDUN

    Morocco March 2016

    I have an Engel and a smaller Waeco. Both work well but the latter will shut itself off well before the battery goes flat but the Engel will keep going. So with a second battery to charge the fridges the Waeco is a pain - I see the point of a shut off if only one battery but if there is two then...
  16. OLDUN

    Advice for priming new rear cross member

    The most important element is that it is kept dry inside - I do have an extra diesel tank under rear wheel arch and have now fitted water tank at other side and have no mud flaps as they would only keep falling off so keeping it clean is a bit awkward - on a trip to Santander the 110 was on deck...
  17. OLDUN

    Advice for priming new rear cross member

    Mine is the original - 19 years old - chassis as well - no welding - and the last 5 years most of the time it is used off road - never painted it or anything - but is kept inside and jet washed occasionally,
  18. OLDUN

    Advice on Defender Purchase

    Buy the best 300 tdi say for £6k - then save the rest or mod it a bit - then when you have had enough sell it for £7k in a few years time!.
  19. OLDUN

    Diff-lock light

    All done and working now but still think I may have driven a few thousand miles with diff lock on - if I did what would wear first - front prop was found to be knackered so has been replaced but what else would have taken the strain - particularly as going on another long 6 week trip in a few days!.