
Active Member
Hi Everyone

Just canvassing opinion as to which Defender is considered the best in terms of year and engine combo.

I would like a diesel and I have between 10-14k to spend.

Any advice gratefully received

Many thanks

10 -14 K pounds? If so you should get a very clean, mint low mileage 300tdi CSW with a boat and trailer :)

You should get a mint defender with a 300 in it.
Hi Everyone

Just canvassing opinion as to which Defender is considered the best in terms of year and engine combo.

I would like a diesel and I have between 10-14k to spend.

Any advice gratefully received


Spend it on mine.

I'll even give you some change :)
Buy the best 300 tdi say for £6k - then save the rest or mod it a bit - then when you have had enough sell it for £7k in a few years time!.
Thanks very much everyone, I take it that the 300tdi is considered the best engine...

only by 300tdi owners, Td5 is much better drive, and although it has some modern day electrics, its still simple to work on
only by 300tdi owners, Td5 is much better drive, and although it has some modern day electrics, its still simple to work on

That's a very good point.
I have had two 300TDi engine Discos I like the engine, but never had a TD5.
Personally I would buy a cheap Disco and spend the rest on holidays , or the comment above is an excellent idea, Defender with a boat!
you'll get a nice not too abused TD5 for your budget, its a good budget. In fact, shop well, negotiate hard and you might even get a XS nice big leather seats, heaters, radios and all sorts (can you hear the old traditionalists spitting out their port riddled earl grey...!) ... 200s and 300s will be (obviously) older and more "weathered" :)

Do get a 110 CSW though... :)

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