1. A

    Most USELESS 'upgrade' you know :D

    The one for me has to be those daft (incline meter)on thedash gismos you know the ones they look at just before they tip over!!!
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    Ratle snake in my box

    I know what you mean mate i work on bikes when we take them apart for repairs we often find bearings made i Bulgaria or Turkey on machines like BMW it's bloody disgrace .I think ill suply my g box guys with my bearings ill go out get the best ones ill find . even so though some of top bearing...
  3. A

    Ratle snake in my box

    Ill do my best on that ,allthough timken may be hard to get hold of here whats your thoughts on FAG or SKF if i have to.
  4. A

    Ratle snake in my box

    thanks for the tip james martin thats very helpfull of you ill tell them. PS i hope to be there while the surgery starts as i am rather interested to se the in side's of the box
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    Ratle snake in my box

    Thanks ill try to drive it in 4th most of the time if pos , I gave them my g box s. number bearings are on their way. other options are a tow or a trailer i guess
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    Ratle snake in my box

    Will do mate dealer is about 50 km away thought to give it aquick and el cheapo ATF change to remove any metal filings before i take it even so it's only 50 km what do you think?
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    Ratle snake in my box

    Hiya guys here is teaser for you, On my way back from a800 k round trip the other day while in top gear on M way got a sound as if a bunch of keys loose on key ring?? 4th quiet as grave yard 3rd REAL ratller as is 2nd any thougts??? sory by the way it,s an lt77 on a200tdi 110. and she got me...
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    Noisekiller blanket

    Noise killer blanket for Tdci???? Blimy ihope they do a full car size one for the 200tdi then.
  9. A

    Defender cooling issue

    Mine is bog standart 200 tdi engined 110 and on along M way incline and 36c ambiant the temp goes to end of the white mark on the geuge . i try to help maters by putin the heater on much to the anoyance of the passengers
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    land rover 200 tdi gearbox problem

    Take note of what james martin says take it one step at a time it does'nt sound as your g box is at fault . Can you select all gears inc reverse?
  11. A

    More accsess to TDI

    Thanks pal ill lett be then, as i don't want any cooling probs and july is yet to come..
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    More accsess to TDI

    Hi guys and LR Gurus now that summer is up on us well here in Greece anyway,35c, has any one got any thoughts that if i remooved the black Radiator cowling/cover under the hood on my (200 def) will it have any adverse afects on the engine cooling, its just that i like the extra work access...
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    half shaft play

    Ain't that adjustable by shims behind the H shaft C. clip
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    Trouble with my dipstick!

    It mesures=27 cm from the top of the DS tube, to the top of the D stick tube nut on the eng block 1991 200tdi.
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    Trouble with my dipstick!

    Sorry mate i hit the sack late last night,what with 2 hour time dif an all,and been dark allready now, all take look tomorow and let you know:doh:
  16. A

    Trouble with my dipstick!

    I had the exact same problem while back , the way i got round it was by draining the eng oil and refil it to the exact amount as LR say, in my case been 200 tdi=6.8 lt inc oil filter, then i pushed the DS tube in far enough so as to get the oil to read to the max of the d stick, and tighten...
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    200,000 miles up today

    Indeed, here is wishing it's little engine wares lots of tyres in years to come.From a 200tdi with 208.000km=130.000miles+/- .
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    Full lock popping

    DITO: Although to me somehow they seem to cheap for what they are, some of the aftermarket ones, to the point that makes me wonder about the quality. on the plus side it wont brake the pigy bank if it's no fix..
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    Full lock popping

    No i must say mine did it on the move, statinary i could'nt get it to make a noise, the banging noise you mentioned , on mine was the springs mooving in it's seat yes it's loud all right.
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    Defender 1990 2.5 tdi

    Here we go then moisture, slack steering,window w jets kaput. allas your bank balance will newer be the same again:hurt::hurt: pic's of the motor please.