1. B

    D2 Ignition problem

    Well I worked in some WD40, (all I had) and then some Silicone spray and left it for a few days to all soak in,whilst I drove other car.At the weekend I tried the key again and hey presto back to normal-so for the moment all is good-how long for is another question,but been using her daily since...
  2. B

    Disco 2 losing coolant .. somewhere

    My german laser supplier tells me De-ionised water is too aggresive and must be distilled water only for the Laser-this seems to conflict with your post?
  3. B

    D2 Ignition problem

    Yup happened this morning when I tried to take daughter to school(running late anyway of course)-had to defrost the other car(luckily had one)Daughter actually said"why do landrovers go wrong" lol :)
  4. B

    D2 Ignition problem

    Ta muchly-first time it has ever played up!
  5. B

    D2 Ignition problem

    TD5 1999 Put key in ignition this morning and will not turn-Almost like wrong key.Tried turning steering wheel to make sure steering lock was set.Tried rocking key to see if it will turn,but no. Ideas? Loads of WD 40 maybe?
  6. B

    oily glow plugs?

    Think you will find the oily looking GPs are the ones which are not working
  7. B

    Cant get delphi lift pump to prime.

    Lift pump connected correctly?If so take off pipes and see if you can feel vacuum pumping lift pump manually-on 300 tdi lower pipe goes to tank
  8. B

    Disco 1 Possible injector pump problem

    Try running it off a bottle of derv under the bonnet(tube from lift pump intake in bottle of derv)-this will prove your lift pump and injection pump are fine and your issue is air ingress elsewhere
  9. B

    Can a Td5 run on aviation fuel?

    My TD5 runs fine on Bio home brew,but I would not risk kero-no lubrication
  10. B

    and Daisy STILL won't start!

    Wahay result! I reckon you are sorted-perhaps you were air locked somewhere.
  11. B

    and Daisy STILL won't start!

    Another obvious-presumably she spins over fast while cranking and ALSO volts does not drop below 10.5 volts while cranking (I believe ecu gives out below 10.5 volts)
  12. B

    Vehicle Wrapping assistance

    Spent nearly a week in October getting the wrap off my TD5,bloody nightmare,days with heat guns,boiling water and various scrapers-never again
  13. B

    Daisy STILL won't go!

    Good Luck David-hope you are turning the corner
  14. B

    Daisy STILL won't go!

    Not stating the obvious,but can you hear the tank pump running on ignition on?
  15. B

    td5 starting problems

    When my MAF was bust it would crank over but not fire-try disconnecting MAF and see if she will start quickly
  16. B

    Daisy STILL won't go!

    Also try dis- connecting the MAF and try starting again .If she fires up ok,new MAF time.When my MAF went (unknown to me) I had several bad starting events,which no amount of winding over made any difference.Not had a repeat since fitting new MAF
  17. B

    Disco 2 Glow plugs fixed, still not starting great.

    When you say you have cured your glow plug issues,you have proved all 4 glow cherry red in similar time outside the engine,via jump leads or whatever?
  18. B

    Battery Drain!

    I would check your diode pack in the alternator is not leaking-remove large connector from alt(be careful as +12 volts) and then repeat your drain measurement.If this is the problem,sometimes cleaning all the carbon crap out of alt will fix this.
  19. B

    Heaters playing up

    Might be worth flushing again in another week or so,might be more black crap to come out yet
  20. B

    Heaters playing up

    Are you sure the heater is not air locked?Otherwise it is blocked.