
Well-Known Member
TD5 1999
Put key in ignition this morning and will not turn-Almost like wrong key.Tried turning steering wheel to make sure steering lock was set.Tried rocking key to see if it will turn,but no.
Ideas? Loads of WD 40 maybe?
Ther are a few posts on this problem.

Same thing happened on mine, gradually got worse. You will find that the brass blades in the ingnition switch are worn, so they do not align correctl when the key is inserted. This means the barrel cannot rotate.
I followed a write up i found and fixed the issue.

Or you can fit a new ignition switch, but then you will have a different key for door and ignition. when I looked about £35 IIRC.
You might be lucky, mine got worse over a few weeks.

Damn annoying when you are trying to get it to turn and it will not move, especially if you are in a hurry at the petrol station, LOL.
Ther are a few posts on this problem.

Same thing happened on mine, gradually got worse. You will find that the brass blades in the ingnition switch are worn, so they do not align correctl when the key is inserted. This means the barrel cannot rotate.
I followed a write up i found and fixed the issue.


Take the lock to a GOOD locksmith and see if it can be rebuilt with new internals ...
You might be lucky, mine got worse over a few weeks.

Damn annoying when you are trying to get it to turn and it will not move, especially if you are in a hurry at the petrol station, LOL.
Yup happened this morning when I tried to take daughter to school(running late anyway of course)-had to defrost the other car(luckily had one)Daughter actually said"why do landrovers go wrong" lol :)
TD5 1999
Put key in ignition this morning and will not turn-Almost like wrong key.Tried turning steering wheel to make sure steering lock was set.Tried rocking key to see if it will turn,but no.
Ideas? Loads of WD 40 maybe?

Use lock lube NOT WD40 ... on all locks
This happened to me a couple of weeks ago, an on a recommend which i dont agree with but i had nothing to loose i flushed it throughly with WD 40
It has been good since, but only a temp fix. no doubt it will leave me in the pooo shortly
Like me i think you are going to be fitting new barrel
This happened to me a couple of years ago. The result was a change of lock in the end.

There are a number of options.
  1. You can get a replacement ignition and steering lock and live with the fact that you'll still need the old key for the door and EKA. Cost about £70.
  2. You could get a set of locks and replace both. Cost becoming prohibitive!
  3. Remove it from the vehicle and take it to a locksmith.
  4. There is another way to go and that would be to "doctor" the existing lock by removing the the brass bits inside it and living with the loss of security, don't forget that you'll still have the central locking and the proximity detection on the key fob.

Changing the electronics in the fob is fairly straightfoward so unless you want to carry the old key (for sentimental and EKA reasons) that won't give you problems.

I chose to do the first method. Time to replace the lock is about an hour.
Well I worked in some WD40, (all I had) and then some Silicone spray and left it for a few days to all soak in,whilst I drove other car.At the weekend I tried the key again and hey presto back to normal-so for the moment all is good-how long for is another question,but been using her daily since (leaving it longterm to let the lubricant soak in seems the key-deffo no good immediately after spraying with either WD or Silicone).Thanks for all replies + ideas
Just saw your last post, was about to say DONT USE WD40 :)

It will clean out the crap for sure but nee crap will stick to it and the problem will come back. Best thing to use is electrical contact cleaner to flush it out, let it dry then use graphite locksmiths powder to lubricate....

Worked a charm for me.
A quick fix is to place the key into the ignition, & gently tap the top of the key as you apply slight turning pressure.
Most of the time this will cure the problem.

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