1. B

    Disco 2 Should the electric window child lock switch and wing mirror/light level switches illuminate?

    Just to update this in case it helps others.....,the little so called led,is in fact a very small bulb on my 2004 facelift D2.As a temp fix I have soldered a 286 bulb(much taller,but still only 1.2watts,height clearance inside the switch is not an issue).The leads of the 286 bulb are not easy to...
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    What Do Your Prefer?

    TD5 for me-no comparison to my old 300tdi
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    Disco 1 vs Disco 2

    But the rear Chassis might be gleaming :)
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    Disco 1 vs Disco 2

    If it has spent all its life in Saudi,I doubt rust will be an issue
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    2003 Discovery Auto - Starting problems

    Check your earth connections and battery connections are good
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    300 tdi clutch any good?

    Fit a heavy duty fork-you don't want to go in there again
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    Starting issues - (have searched forum)

    Think you have air ingress somewhere,causing repriming of the whole fuel system when you go to start it-fit a clear piece of pipe from filter outlet to injection pump inlet and check for bubbles-no bubbles allowed. Favourite candidates are the fuel connections above tank in...
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    Disco 2 Talk to me about Disco 2's?

    Delighted I have managed to help you for once James after all the help you have given me over the years :)
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    Disco 2 Talk to me about Disco 2's?

    Bet the parking sensors are worth it,yours sounds a bit newer than mine,mine is a 99 on a T plate,also only 5 seats
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    Disco 2 Talk to me about Disco 2's?

    Mine says ES on log book,I have full leather electric movement and heated seats, 2 x electric sunroofs,cruise control,air conditioning ,electric mirrors BUT Not folding,cd multichanger
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    Disco 2 TD5 Cheaper Viscous Fan Coupling Wrench? Do they exist?

    Think the confusion occurrs as the D1 is left hand and D2 is right hand
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    Disco 2 TD5 Cheaper Viscous Fan Coupling Wrench? Do they exist?

    Got mine from Halfrauds-one of those 36mm x32mm off set spanner things
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    Disco 2 timing chain gone

    Thanks for the heads up on filtering the oil re looking for plastic
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    Disco 2 Torque Converter

    I bought mine from Ashcrofts,along with the recon box and fitted the pair myself-took my time over it though
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    Disco 2 Torque Converter

    Mine has the remap and I fitted HD torque converter when I renewed autobox.The engine is a lot less buzzy and I guess more mpg if you keep your foot of the gas and drive it sedately-The trouble is she is so responsive with lots of power hard to keep off the pedal-Sits at 30 mph around 1400 rpm.
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    Advice on remap

    Yup another vote for Mike at Dynachip (mine goes like stink).Seems to be bad/poor experience from others like TD5 Alive one guy thought his TD5 was still very slow, so I would avoid the others.
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    Disco 1 New clutch help

    I would fit a heavy duty fork while you are in there
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    Was it something I did?

    That pump is seriously black-thought mine looked bad running bio,but nothing like that-have you had to renew the FPR yet.What mileage have you covered?
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    Disco 2 Replacing fuel pump gotchas

    Wahay mines done too-did not have the trouble with the pipes you had,more of a problem trying to get them out of the way while swapping.Anyway I have a fuel gauge again and a quieter pump-result. Tell me what did your pump body look like when you removed the old one?Mine was covered in a brown...
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    Disco 2 Replacing fuel pump gotchas

    In the process of doing mine but not got that far yet took over an hour to get the inspection cover off with a hammer and chisel as battery drill flat-let you know if I sort your problem