1. Jaswilliams

    Help TD5 overheating problem

    The cough and splutter is the waste gate stuck spray it with Oil and free with mole grips plenty of videos on line. The over heating I can't help you with
  2. Jaswilliams

    TD5 creaking clutch/pedal

    Look in the engine bay under the master cylinder there is a cover with 6 screws on it remove cover and lubricate clutch peddle pivot with some spray grease, refit cover 10 min job if you can get the screws undone it fixed my td5 squeaky clutch....
  3. Jaswilliams

    Date set for LZ12.....2016

    Ticket bought...
  4. Jaswilliams

    Hot air

    If you have been driving a long way the gearbox tunnel can get very warm this weather. Not much you can do about it it's heat from the gearbox/transfer box
  5. Jaswilliams

    Missing Feature Mark Forum Read....

    Seem to have appeared for me sure it was not there before. Go to forums =>new posts and on right hand side at the top of the first unread topic there is a heading say mark all posts as read..
  6. Jaswilliams

    Anti stall not working

    Cannot comment on a tech document on the anti-stall for Td5 other than it works. The reality is I think the Ecu will do whatever it can to fuelling to ensure 750 revs are maintained when no throttle us used. This has a side effect of being a very basic anti-stall mechanism. With no pedals a td5...
  7. Jaswilliams

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Why was your new battery dirty ?. 😄
  8. Jaswilliams


    You do need to send an email to blackbox upon receipt with the nanocom ID to register and to get your unlock codes but that is usually a very quick process. Jason
  9. Jaswilliams

    tdci tow bar plug

    If it is the same as the td5 driver side rear wheel arch behind plastic mud shield protecting the lights
  10. Jaswilliams


    Some one needs a holiday AG anyone ??
  11. Jaswilliams

    Royal bath and west Land Rover show 2015

    Bristol and west not on this year Malvern is the replacement for b&w and Eastnore I think Can we do a group outing?
  12. Jaswilliams

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Oohh your such a tease 😀
  13. Jaswilliams

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Broke anything 😀
  14. Jaswilliams

    Morocco March 2016

    I have one very similar slightly different make it runs great on gas and 240v. However as it does not have a compressor it is not as efficient as the a compressor fridge, on 12v it uses 10a and only holds its own. When running on gas it produces co2 so needs to be placed outside.
  15. Jaswilliams

    LZ11 as it happens (put yer pics in ere)

    That would have been PaulDaf
  16. Jaswilliams

    person missing their head torch

    Prob in the boot of your Mondeo...Livers
  17. Jaswilliams

    thanks to all

    It was a great weekend. I decided to veg out rather than go laning my choice been working hard all week and I had to replenish the 4 litres of oil lost on the way up !! No such problems going home. Curry was lush. Roll on the next one... Location I have been following the where to have it...
  18. Jaswilliams

    Mod1 - Will the legend appear??

    Managed not to spill the beer
  19. Jaswilliams

    so who is turning up and when?

    Friday early eve some time around 6pm