I've had a bit more fiddle today and seem to have cured it. There are two multi plugs going into the back of the warning light cluster. If you take one of them out the brake warning light comes on. I've fiddled with it and sprayed electrical cleaner on the pins and now after a brisk drive round Leicester with lots of hard braking in the rush hour traffic I didn't get a flicker at all.

I've also had a fiddle with the front hubs and suspension. The bearings had settled a bit after having renewed them just before Christmas, so one of them needed the nut taking up about 20 degrees. I've also tightened the bottom shock absorber mounts because the rubbers had squashed a little and they weren't as solid as when I first fitted them. All nice and tight now. Swivels still seem to be spot on and didn't need any shims taking out.
Sorted the fuel gauge. Stupid Britpart sender unit fits in different to the original and so only went 1/2 way up. A little tweaking and it now fits differently but works brilliantly. Altered the tick over, fitted a new water temperature sender and test drove. Trust in it is getting me home is better [emoji2]
Finally managed to adjust the steering lock stops, they wouldn't budge so been soaking them in wd40 for past 2 weeks .Then this morning got the socket set and extension bar out and ooooosssshhhh they moved, so now no more tyre catching on full lock.....:)
stuck it up on axle stands to give the underneath a bath ready for some fertan and dinitrol.

it occurs to me it would make a good driving simulator like this, so the kids can have a practice before they are 17 and to give them some familiarity before lessons start.

its quite funny sticking it into gear pressing the gas but going nowhere :D
Painted disco with first coat .


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Only managed to replace the A frame bushes and ball joint as the old bushes was that nacked they was hard to drill out in the right place due to how they had worn but got there in the end, then removed one of the rear radius arms ready for doing tomorrow with the rest of the other bushes aswell.

thank god the rest of the bushes are already poly bushed but need replacing :)
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Had my first go at detailing :) now I have a super shiny landy and all the scratches have buffed out :) my arms hurt a bit!
Took advantage of the nice evening and changed front lower shock bushes, had to get the blow torch on the shock nuts as they wouldn't budge,got a bit of heat into them and they cracked off nicely.Shocks been slapping around for a while now ,was nothing left of the old bushes so was a fair bit of movement and slop,hopefully will feel a lot better now when cornering and going over bumps.:)
Also put the last of my silicone hoses on it was the lower intercooler one under the air filter ,old one was rather soft and looked quite perished.
got it dirty


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Tried to start it but nothing would seem battery is flat as a fart! Not sure why though as it was run all round hawes yesterday n ingleton day before, no battery light coming on to say alternator not working either? I'm hoping it's tbe leccy seat causing the issue as that's live to battery :)

Ps i cant get near enough to jump her off either n she aint parked at home! ! Hoping i can get some leccy to battery charger n jump her that way!
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Took it for a test drive after doing the shock bushes, handled much better so took a off road detour on the way home.....


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loaded the disco up with wood, four 8 x 4 sheets of 4mm ply.

Quite impressed that they fitted in, but it was just a little bit tight.
Yesterday i polybushed the rear radius arms and one of the front radius arms aswell, just got to do the other radius arm and pan hard rod then they are all done :D

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