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after kindly lending it to me in dark, didnt see you again.

describe it and drop me a pm with your address and I will return it
It's like a torch with a bright light and it goes on your head ....I claim it as mine:D
I'm sure pikey has one that has elastic on it and it shines on the ground when he walks... Must be his. :D
I didn't lend you mine but I have lost one, and my bottle opener and my phone charger... If it's grey and orange and a bit dog chewed it's mine :D
I've got so bloody many that I probably won't notice for months as I use them like accessories!
Mine.... wondered why I only had 2 out of the three I won at the raffle when I got home.

for identification purposes , it will have a 66% chance of having pontyslappers fingerprints on the duracell batteries, as he put them into two of the lights.

Hold onto it and I will get it back next year.


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