1. pontyslapper

    Oi Oi Welshers

    In't Nig a norfer??
  2. pontyslapper

    Oi Oi Welshers

    Pah, yer welcome to that bit - s'all mountins and buckits o'spit carried under arms fer when they loculs is speaking - if you can call it that!!! That in't South Wales... tis Norf Wales lass. Get an up to date Map - might I be so bold as to suggest a trip to the local Poundworld to procure a...
  3. pontyslapper

    Oi Oi Welshers

    Joking hun. Be a pleasure to have you. Whereabouts you pondering?
  4. pontyslapper

    Oi Oi Welshers

    When next summer - can make sure I is outta the country ;)
  5. pontyslapper

    Oi Oi Welshers

    Oi oi!! I know there me and TheEngineer down this neck... anyone else?!?
  6. pontyslapper

    When does the novelty wear off?

    I've taken drastic measures to try and wean my Landy addiction. I've SORN'd Drover in anticipation of his resto getting a bloody good kickstart - boot floor being the first job, unless we find other stuff that needs tackling first. I've bought a 2004 Merc C200 that I practically have to fall...
  7. pontyslapper

    Anyone in or near Ammanford?

    Don't show up on Companies house search, yet quite a bit comes up about the web.
  8. pontyslapper

    PM'd you jordan, bach!

    Hey Jordan, Just rattling off a PM to you re my latest acquisition. Cheers Ponty
  9. pontyslapper

    Plastic reviver.

    Some reckon smooth peanut butter. Yeah I know. Check ewetoob.
  10. pontyslapper

    Wave Etiquette

    I can report that on my daily trek up the Cynon Valley I've now achieved a wave conversion rate of 100% when in Drover. Not quite as high when I'm in the mundane, because some of my waves don't know the car. I have a regular 'crew' of wavees and a real hardcore of 'alright'ers if the traffic...
  11. pontyslapper

    Free new Bearmach galvanised discovery front turret rings.

    Already got a set. Bugger. Hope someone can make use!
  12. pontyslapper

    Snorkel for 3.9 Disco 1 (ABS)

    **** happens fella. I'll just fire the money back at yer phone via PayPal. Is that ok?
  13. pontyslapper

    Snorkel for 3.9 Disco 1 (ABS)

    It's there but. Just PM me yer address n all that. Then I can start the ringing couriers as it's not a standard size item.
  14. pontyslapper

    Snorkel for 3.9 Disco 1 (ABS)

    Was it you looking for the middle light??? One of these. If it was. It'll be in with the snorkel. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6xvxmKH0vfJMmJUeGZfZWRNOUk/edit?usp=docslist_api
  15. pontyslapper

    Snorkel for 3.9 Disco 1 (ABS)

    Sounds like a plan bud. PM incoming.
  16. pontyslapper

    Snorkel for 3.9 Disco 1 (ABS)

    Get tha off tha forum and get tha heed under tha bonnet. ;) or are the tending to yer betterer half!
  17. pontyslapper

    Snorkel for 3.9 Disco 1 (ABS)

    Hope the missus is ok after licking windows ;)
  18. pontyslapper

    Headlining paint.

    I used the leftovers of some matt emulsion that we painted the hall with. Totally 'free' as the tin was heading to the tip.
  19. pontyslapper

    westwood ride on

    Saw the thread title and thought you were selling obscene acts with young Roy!!
  20. pontyslapper

    300 series discovery rear interior light unit.

    I might have one knocking about. If I do, I'll bung it in the box when the deal is done on snorkel.