1. B

    Series 3,Changing Head Gasket?

    Just to update incase you havnt seen my other topic on here,, Ive gone ahead and ordered a lucas 45d type Electronic distributor and Sports Coil. So will await for this to arrive and see were we are.:rolleyes:
  2. B

    Series Electronic Distributor, how easy to install?

    Yeh I saw the one with standard coil for £62,, but thought Id chance it for an extra £6. All units on his website look well made and worth the cash like,,glad I never purchased the first one I found now:)
  3. B

    Series Electronic Distributor, how easy to install?

    Just completed checkout at simonbbc.com for a Lucas 45d distributor and sports coil, it come to £69 with delivery so a fair price all round. Just gotta await for it arrive and fit it now. Im guessing I will just setup like a standard coil, is this right?
  4. B

    Series Electronic Distributor, how easy to install?

    Cheers mate I will be keen to see how you get on with it,, :) Keep me posted
  5. B

    Series Electronic Distributor, how easy to install?

    After more browsing through ebay I found a LUCAS type 45D electronic distributor for less money,, (£43.99) LUCAS type 45D ELECTRONIC distributor Land Rover on eBay (end time 03-Oct-09 16:07:42 BST) Would you say this is a better buy than the one previousley posted up? Im guessing if I go ahead...
  6. B

    Series 3,Changing Head Gasket?

    Update: Did as you said "90truckcab" blew through/sucked the brass pipe as hard as possible but no movement or noise what so ever.So im guessing its knackered then, is there anything else I should check, the distributor seemed to be working fine prior to the head gasket been removed with no...
  7. B

    Series Electronic Distributor, how easy to install?

    Sorry mate thought Id posted it up,,, LAND ROVER SERIES 2/3 /DEFENDER ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTOR on eBay (end time 06-Oct-09 15:26:17 BST)
  8. B

    Series Electronic Distributor, how easy to install?

    Just browsing ebay looking at distributors for a series 3 landrover, and came upon an electronic distributor for a series 3 priced at £48. In the listing it quotes THE UNIT IS A HIGH QUALITY DISTRIBUTOR THAT IS VERY EASILY INSTALLED IN YOUR LAND ROVER SERIES 2,2A,3 AND DEFENDER MODELS THAT...
  9. B

    Series 3,Changing Head Gasket?

    Will check this out this afternoon and post up the outcome later tonight mate,, :)
  10. B

    Series 3,Changing Head Gasket?

    Once started it runs like crap and struggles to keep going unless you rev her up, does seem better as the revs get higher.Ive checked and tightened everything around carb,, just a bit lost on what to check next,,,,any help much appreciated and I'll tackle first thing in morning:)
  11. B

    Series 3,Changing Head Gasket?

    Update: Fitted new exhaust this afternoon from paddocks and like you said "90truckcab" not as easy as I might of first thought, but got there in the end.Also ordered a new set of leads as the ones currently fitted were rather tired looking so changed them over and tried to fire her up,,,,still...
  12. B

    Series III fuel consumption?

    2.25 petrol,, Gotta say Im pretty found of myn. Returning a not so good 17-19mpg,uncomfortable as hell,slow,drafty,leaks oil out and water in but thats half the fun:)
  13. B

    Series 3, Exhaust query.

  14. B

    Series 3, Exhaust query.

    Does anyone no the part numbers for the bolts/nuts that secure the exhaust together,, unsure if there the same size as Ive only removed the front pipe. But Im looking for the 3 nuts/bolts that secure front pipe to intermediate pipe,,, and the four nuts/bolts that secure intermediate pipe to tail...
  15. B

    Series 3, Exhaust query.

    As far as I was aware there is no gasket between manifold outlet and front pipe? There certainly wasnt one when I removed it?
  16. B

    Series 3, Exhaust query.

    Thanks for clearing that up for me lads,, much appreciated:)
  17. B

    Series 3, Exhaust query.

    These gaskets you mention,,, are these actually a gasket to join 2 pieces of the exhaust together? I didnt realise there was any on a series? Please enlighten me:)
  18. B

    Series 3, Exhaust query.

    Dont suppose you have the part number for the gasket you mention,, didnt realise there was one. New exhaust manifold has just been fitted, dont think the system comes with any bolts,, but now you mention it I think I better order some new ones,,Dont suppose you no the size of the bolts? or...
  19. B

    Series 3 inlet manifold, tight fitting?

    Cheers for the input mate,, took manifold off this afternoon and ground some more off it and like you said now fits like a glove. And all seems fine,, just need to replace rest of exhuast system now and we should be away:)
  20. B

    Series 3,Changing Head Gasket?

    Yes mate,, thats where I priced it up, its around the £30 mark I think excluding VAT.