
New Member
As most of you will know Ive just done the head gasket on my 2.25 petrol series 3,I Bought a new Exhaust manifold , and proceeded to fit the inlet manifold to exhaust manifold today as the threaded studs that attach the two arrived this morning. I assumed the inlet manifold would just slide onto the exhaust manifold as it came off. Although its a hellish tight fit,, I took an angle grinder to the new exhaust manifold and ground a fraction off each side where the inlet manifold was catching on way down, now it will go a bit further down but still tight. Ive managed to get it on by slightly tapping each side with a rubber mallet and a piece of wood and fitted it,, just gonna hope for best. Anyone else experienced this problem?

I notice the new exhaust manifold has some small lugs on each side that foul the inlet manifold(which ive now ground off), where as the older one didnt. I tightened all nuts/bolts securing the two to the cylinder block before tightening the two together and it all seems to have pulled together ok. Is there any torque settings for tightening the manifold bolts to cylinder block,,although its pretty tight to get in there, dont think my torque wrench will get in.

Thanks in advance:)
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Just done the anti freeze plugs on a Series 3 (what a pain they are) so the manifolds had to come of. Decided to replace the exhaust whilst we were on. The new one would not go any where near as there was way too much meat on it. Took the grinder with a grinding disc as opposed to a cutting disc and laid into it using the old one as a guide. It flew on when it was modified. The nuts were tightened as best as we could. After getting the engine hot then cooled a bit we tightened up the nuts a touch (no idea what torque they are) as when I used to mess with Minis years ago that is what I always did! It has run for several hours (just on the front drive) and it is fine. I think that it is cheaper for the manufactures to make the manifold with lots of meat and let the punter sort it out.
Cheers for the input mate,, took manifold off this afternoon and ground some more off it and like you said now fits like a glove. And all seems fine,, just need to replace rest of exhuast system now and we should be away:)
just as an aside.
We replaced the exhaust system a few years ago (the vehicle has gone though a major rebuild during the summers (under tarps during the winter). We replaced the exhaust system after we cut out the rear floor and before we installed the new rear floor.
We used standard exhaust hanger straps which came apart (without the thing actually being on the road! Replaced them twice and the same thing happened each time. As we were sorting out the Chassis by welding on brackets for the straps which prevent the rear axle dropping too far (cannot remember the name of the things but you know what I mean) I ordered 4 straps instead of 2. Using these we fabricated a rear hanger for the exhaust and it has done the business even though the exhaust gets well hot as it is revved up on the front and driven up and down the drive. We reinforced the strap with some left over Aly as I thought the Aly would act as a heat sump. Of course it has not been banged around yet but those straps are plenty strong!
Sorry been busy for a few days getting a new (second hand) car. Yes we did.
I am well pleased with the concoction we have put together using the rear axle hanger straps - BUT it has not been banged around rough ground yet. The hanger straps which came with it (cannot remember where it was bought as I am not sure where all the invoices are) just gave up the ghost. They sort of rotted through leaving the underlying fibres of nylon or whatever exposed. As much of the time the vehicle stands with the engine running they are subjected to a lot of heat. That said it was after being under tarps for the winter and then fired up for the first time in 3 months that they came to bits.

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