1. A

    series 2 gearbox replacement advice please

    this may or may not work - i don't know...but i had this with a car many moons ago, and it was solved by twisting the box a few degrees. Just loosen off the bellhousing bolts and twist - should have a degree or two play. Worth a try! Can't see why it would just go from being taken out!
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    Could be a dead shock, common problem on nissan patrols. They then lean slightly to one side as the shocker takes a little of the weight off the leaf spring. When they fail, the weight is entirely on the leaf. If you pop over a speed bump, you may feel it bounce uneven - or 'dip' one side.
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    Finally finished me 109 renovation!

    Is that an extended handbrake, or are the series 3 longer than the series 2?
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    Am I about to ripped off??

    chasing leaks is time consuming and a guessing game. You can do it yourself with a friend and a hose-pipe if you want to remove the headlining, and then sit inside with a torch whilst he pours the hose over the top. Would save a small fortune, as it can take hours, and garages are not cheap...
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    Tailgate Chains - a question.....

    If you look at the series 2 club site forum, there is a guy selling some on there are while ago.
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    Security-Disklok or Clutch Claw?

    Always go with the disc lock and also the pedal locks they sell on paddocks. Belt and braces and all that - may take a few mins in the morning, but they way landies are going walkies at the moment!
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    This happened to a friend of mine - he had a freelander (which my other half bought from him) The testing was fine, but to get a log book, they required it to be left hand drive, as right hand drives were not permitted permanently. A EU law that had only been recently passed at the time...
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    Need help!!!!!!

    probably the oil drain plug for the sum (should be lower, back end of sump pan) when you change the oil, pick up a new one, only a few quid. Pick up fresh leads as well as plugs etc - give it a good service forthe summer!
  9. A

    what security?

    Tracker - only thing that will let you know where it is....then you can chase them down the road and break their bones! Trust in one thing - no one will see it happen, or notice it. I had lorries stolen with a hiab once, go knows what size it was, but must have been big!! - No-one saw a...
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    That is quite normal! The Lambda sensors get confused with gas, and that upsets the idle. Gas emits very little if any carbon, which is what the lambda is looking for. (Trying to explain this is laymans' terms - quite hard! Lol!) BRC are one of the better kits - if it is running fine, then...
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    wonder leak stopper??

    If you go down your hardware store, you will find the same stuff for half the price. You can also get a leak fix filler, for a fiver. Rads are cheap enough, just get another - not worth the risk popping your engine with summer coming. A landy will never be water tight.
  12. A

    new boy needs help.....

    You mean she bought you a landy WITHOUT a welder???? Women! ROFLMAO! Landies all have rust, holes and so on - in fact it is part of the fun. The panels are pretty much unbolt and replace, the chassis can be welded up - don't worry.....summer is coming, you can take her out for romantic days...
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    4x4 insurance

    try frank pickles, they do 4x4 insurance quite cheap - failing that, go for 2gether, or adrian flux - all policies cover laning as well.
  14. A

    What is a Kalahari?

    Land Rover Freelander Hardback (97-03) 4x4 Car Review - Facts & Figures - Parker's Have a look there!
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    Playing with chip fat and paying the price!!

    If you are using high concentrations of fat and in a cold environment, you will need a heater - otherwise you should be fine. I will just clog up your injectors, filters etc if it is too thick and cause problems. I have seen people quite regularly break down through having too high a...
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    would yer keep this or .........

    Now that is crafty...but i like the thinking! It would depend what you plan on doing with it - if using as a weekend runabout, for shows and the like, go for the underseat. If you are looking at laning days etc, then go for the tub one for more capacity and better protection from bumps. Or...
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    What MPG do you get from your Flander

    We found with the missuses old 1.8 that it absolutely guzzled on long trips on motorways - do the same journey on a-roads and it was really good! Odd, but I suppose with the tiny engine, it was probably under less strain and happier up and down the gears and being under 50mph.
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    prop too short after fitting parabolics

    gone2far are a company that make props for lifted vehicles - what they are like, i have no idea - but they seem to be popular!
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    Welderisinging ...

    Think my welder needs the same treatment - spent more time fooking about last time when i did the disco boot floor, than welding! Looked like it did when I was an apprentice! lol!
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    Noisy steering

    sounds like the steering rack is either dry, worn or slightly bent. Will have a 'cog' type feel to it.