1. dirtyrhino

    Started Resto work on my S3

    Work Tonight: Heater hoses. Swivel gaiters - one of those Awkward jobs that shouldn't of been. Rub down the primer and start top-coating, ready for wing replacement tomorrow :D
  2. dirtyrhino

    Blakes deteriorate after bleeding.

    You can get re-seal kits, they don't always work, and if the piston bore is Borked, then it'll just eat them again......
  3. dirtyrhino

    Tyres ?

    No, we'd have threads full of practical, subjective information, not repeated questions. The search tool works brilliantly, and if you can't find a specific answer to your question, broaden the search terms. Even A simple Search in Google gives a plethora of tyre websites and comparison...
  4. dirtyrhino


    If it's just temp protection. And you're gonna strip it back afterwards and re-apply a decent base, then anything will do short-term. Although you'd have to make sure it was stripped back properly, and cleaned etc. Hardly seems worth it TBH. A litre of RedOxide primer is a worthwhile purchase...
  5. dirtyrhino

    Started Resto work on my S3

    Had a busy evening :) I've got most of what I need now, inc. my primer and paint. Parts Porn...:D Got the front end back on, so I can prime it somewhere sensible that doesn't involve hanging, or walking into it...And also primed up the seatbox, backrest and bulkhead - no pics cos my memory...
  6. dirtyrhino

    Well that's buggered it....

    ****ing people.... :doh:
  7. dirtyrhino

    Started Resto work on my S3

    Oh, and BTW - no, I haven't done a THING on Smidge tonight - been in Brum all day in a sodding team meeting until 4.30. Got in, sat down, logged on....now I can't be fooked to get up :pop2:
  8. dirtyrhino

    Started Resto work on my S3

    "oooh, fat titties" - i just****ed myself laughing. **wipes tear from eye**
  9. dirtyrhino

    Started Resto work on my S3

    ****e. :D So should I teach him some Keats instead then ?
  10. dirtyrhino


    Yes, you can. here's a link to what you need - hope this helps fella... Easy Diesel Turbo For Series 2.25 Engines
  11. dirtyrhino

    Started Resto work on my S3

    My wife'd kill me if i showed up with a new pet. Every time we go to the local garden store, i make a beeline for the pet section. Gorgeous hayes Macaw in there....i've been trying to teach him to swear, so they knock the price down :D :D :D :D
  12. dirtyrhino

    Which Penrite Oils?

    You HAVE to use 2 different oils (technically 3 including the dot4 for the clutch and brakes )...unless you want to cook the diffs and boxes...... That's why manufacturers give us the specs :doh: SAE90 is a standard hypoid gear oil for diffs and gearboxes - a simple search in the website will...
  13. dirtyrhino

    Started Resto work on my S3

  14. dirtyrhino

    Started Resto work on my S3

    LOLZ - could make it an Auto-Jumble :D
  15. dirtyrhino

    Started Resto work on my S3

    You'll all have to fight for room with the dog .... and body panels :D
  16. dirtyrhino

    picture uploads

    Well impressed - from a "simple" get-it-through-the-MOT to a full on strip and rebuild. Most people i've seen lately would of just given up and not bothered. You've thrown yerself in the deep-end and kept going - Sign of a true series owner IMHO. :5bhurray:
  17. dirtyrhino

    picture uploads

    Best i can find in my Server Archive is this :D :D
  18. dirtyrhino

    Started Resto work on my S3

    Will deffo plonk some piccies up - my mate keeps nagging me to get a move on, too. We've got some great lanes down here, around Dorset, and good ol Salisbury plains, too :D Wish i'd of taken some shots of the lanes in the winter when I had my Uber-Quad (another project) immense fun :) Just...
  19. dirtyrhino

    Started Resto work on my S3

    PolyBushes will stiffen the ride, but last a lot longer. TBH, if it was a Disco or a Defender, i'd say fit them, but in a series, i'd say just fit some parabolics and some gas dampers instead. I've been insanely busy today/tonight. Managed to do an oil change, drain the tank ( 20ltrs of...
  20. dirtyrhino

    picture uploads

    LOLZ - greet piccies :D Glad yer pressing on dude - onwards and upwards !