Nevermind him - I want a transluscentocator diddlebox. It sounds AWESOME ! :D
their ****e.
they dont locate right, you cant see whats going on in them, and its a box to throw money at if you can find someone that actually has one to get rid of.

your better off with a quadportal transverse mounting limited slip torque applicator.
they are a better build and you shouldnt get diddled.
Are you SURE ? I've been looking on Ebay, and I can't find anything like that... I think your making this up...
there might be a space between quad and portal, not all one word.
they are like rocking horse **** tho.......
Rocking horse ****??

I've seen some rocking horse ****e, is that the same?

It was a while ago though.....
Iv just had a new engine and gearbox, 2,25 diesel, i want to know if i could put a small turbo on it to get a bit more uphill power and a higher top speed?????

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