1. S

    Rear door barrel

    ill go out there now.... hang on!
  2. S

    Rear door barrel

    Anyone know? Seemed weird that a set of three was supplied to me and the spare one doesn't fit!
  3. S

    Rear door barrel

    I have just fitted my roof and sides and had an old lock barrel from when I replaced the fronts. I figured it would fit but it makes no difference to the lock, it just pulls out. Are the rear barrels different/longer than front ones?
  4. S

    Make Your Own RadMuff

    Bideford. North Devon. It's tiny. (and a town!)
  5. S

    Make Your Own RadMuff

    I think a 90 should really have an old farm feed bag to be honest.
  6. S

    No brakes

    Sounds to me like a leak on your brake pads and disc, keep pumping and see if you reservoir drops further. I would not drive it anymore until you're sure!!!
  7. S

    Make Your Own RadMuff

    I hate to say it but with my home made muff im up to toasty in my (smaller) truck cab by the time I leave my town!
  8. S

    Make Your Own RadMuff

    http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f7/new-muff-125232.html You need to keep a close eye on your temp gauge and lift you flap if getting hot!
  9. S

    Make Your Own RadMuff

    I posted the thing from www.REEDX.net a little while ago after I made mine. I reckon too easy to make money on e-bay.
  10. S

    Cubby box middle seat

    Is that slang!?:eek:
  11. S

    Cubby box middle seat

    Is the battery under the seat? :doh: I knew it was somewhere (add ironic smiley here)
  12. S

    Roof Rack Advice/Opinions please

    Muchus dollaridge.
  13. S

    Cubby box middle seat

    The trouble is "the banter" we are all used to as longer term members can come across as rude to newbies and unfortunately that "can" scare of/**** of potential new members with an awful lot of knowledge and info.
  14. S

    gwent 4x4 parts

    He is quick!!
  15. S

    gwent 4x4 parts

    Tinned meat product.
  16. S

    BritPart Steering Guard. GARBAGE

    I haven't ever seen one with a hole for the damper!!!!
  17. S

    Ma bonnet froze shut

    I am still confused, did you managed to open the bonnet by starting the engine to warm it to charge a flat battery?
  18. S


    Lots of time spent on the spray job there! Super tidy!
  19. S

    Land rover Defedne 90 Pickup cover

    I had a home made cover on my pick up but swapped it plus some cash for roof sides etc. In the process of cleaning them up for fitting. Cover is easy to do. One sheet of chequer plate 1.5inches bigger on all sides, bent to fit then add some struts. I hinged it under the rim from a canvas hood.