1. tarphenry

    P38A Electrical issue

    Weather slightly warmer today, and I notice that Nanocom will not power up. I am thinking that The short circuit may have damaged the BECM, but I have no way of testing this. There are no blown fuses or burning at the fuseboard. Is there any simple test that you know of?
  2. tarphenry

    P38A Electrical issue

    Exactly the same as mine. all the car works inc air suspension but no HEVAC strange. I will doble check all fuses tomorrow and see if I can find a solution. Thanks for the information
  3. tarphenry

    P38A Electrical issue

    thanks i will remove board again
  4. tarphenry

    P38A Electrical issue

    Hi, today I have checked every fuse twice both engine bay and under seat. none blown .I have taken relay 6 and7 out and taken the tops off both are working fine It seems as though the supply to the hevac has gone somewhere but I have no idea where. there is no burning or smell, just the supply...
  5. tarphenry

    P38A Brake pedal

    The brakelight switch on my diesel has 2 contacts one on and one off.
  6. tarphenry

    P38A Brake pedal

    The pedal has a double throw switch there, is it that you can hear?
  7. tarphenry

    P38A Electrical issue

    Hi all, on Saturday I did some shopping and on my way back , the car was at tickover at the lights and smoke appeared under the bonnet. I managed to get the car home and thought it must be the fuse board. However, further investigation revealed it was the wiring to the alarm klaxton. The 2...
  8. tarphenry

    P38A Whoopee Test Passed

    Yes, I did the same and new air suspension and repainted underneath looks really good under there now
  9. tarphenry

    P38A Whoopee Test Passed

    The old girl passed her test with no advisories yesterday. Shows that all the work done in the first lockdown has paid off.
  10. tarphenry


    Happy New Year to all:):):):):)
  11. tarphenry

    Merry Christmas

    Happy Christmas to all, may he new year bring us all better times. Stay safe everyone
  12. tarphenry

    P38A Replacing plugs on A posts

    I didnt use plugs, I soldered the joints and used heat shrink on every one. Whisky and bath sounds good, but I am tea total.
  13. tarphenry

    P38A Replacing plugs on A posts

    Just spent a pleasant afternoon replacing the plugs (green) by the A posts . Now the Nanocom will talk to the suspension and ABS. The only problem I have is that now I cant stand up or walk. 3 hours on my knees have done me in,but at least I shouldn`t have to do it again..
  14. tarphenry

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    The passenger seat base is the same as the drivers seat. if you can get a scrap seat you can swap them
  15. tarphenry

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    I used the "rice" bulbs that they use on model railways. Paid about40p each
  16. tarphenry

    P38A bad trader on E bay

    The really irritating thing is that the cover is quite a good piece of kit. its the stitching thats failing. I will take it to the local shoe repairer and get the stitching re done. its just the attitude that gets on my wick .I could do with a mate in Carmarthen, to bang his two faces together..
  17. tarphenry

    P38A bad trader on E bay

    E bay cant help, its outside the 30 day period. the mans a tw** and will get his just deserts I am sure. just trying to warn people not to waste money with someone like him
  18. tarphenry

    P38A bad trader on E bay

    Just a warning to anyone buying off E bay from apex autos in Carmarthen If you have a problem, they will not respond to emails texts and the phone is unavailable to connect. I purchased a seat cover which is falling to pieces after 8 wks
  19. tarphenry

    P38A Oh dear....

    I have 2 of those if they are any good to anyone
  20. tarphenry

    P38A Nanocom troubles

    thanks all, did a bit of " greenery" removal yesterday. this am " key in pos 2" engine not running managed to talk to outstation on L H door and get windows to work again will keep trying for HEVAC