1. Headtester

    dash warning lights

    :search: ??!! (Try searching in the Disco section for the three amigos )
  2. Headtester

    LR service specialists in Bucks

    I've used them - Harris Mayes - no problems at all, prices reasonable and they seem to know their stuff. The web linky has their contact details.
  3. Headtester

    Rear suspension on the TD5, help please

    I regularly tow 3 tonnes plus on my coil sprung D2 with no problems now that I've replaced the watts linkage and anti roll bushes - it is worth checking out the watts linkage as James suggested - when mine was knackered you could feel lateral movement and a clunking noise - see this fred
  4. Headtester

    Which Waxoyl gun?

    An update on progress so far: I have washed, scraped and wire brushed the crud and surface rust off the chassis and outriggers etc. along one side and painted it with smooth Hammerite. It's a dirty and messy job but at least I know how sound the Disco is - need to keep an eye on the rear ace...
  5. Headtester

    EGR removal disconnect modulator?

    :welcome2: Welcome to Landyzone, its customary to introduce yourself in the "introduce yourself" section - you may end up with less rip taking that way. Not really sure what you are on about as far as electrical connections are concerned, mine only had a couple of vacuum pipes - I just...
  6. Headtester

    Which Waxoyl gun?

    Thanks guys, I'll go with not diluting the Schutz and warming the Waxoyl. I'll let you know how I get on. Cheers
  7. Headtester

    Which Waxoyl gun?

    Used the Shultz gun with some Waxoyl to squirt the inside of a motorcycle swinging arm box section - works a treat - thanks for the tip off. Any idea if I need to dilute the Tetra Schutz?
  8. Headtester

    blocked radiator??

    Thanks for the update - how many ££'s is that going to hurt?
  9. Headtester

    Putting EP90 into diffs

    I use one of these from Halfrauds for filling axles and gear boxes - I know the drinks bottle solution is cheaper but this does the job perfectly.
  10. Headtester

    Which Waxoyl gun?

    OK, I've got hold of the Schutz gun and some Tetra Schutz - thanks to the advice in earlier posts. Should I dilute the Tetra Schutz or use it straight from the tin? Cheers
  11. Headtester

    Rear wiper motor overhaul

    I ended up replacing my rear wiper motor - took it apart but it was too knackered. Try eBlag or a breakers. Mine works fine now and it was a second hand one - I think I used the best bits from the two motors to make up one decent one.
  12. Headtester

    blocked radiator??

    Might be worth getting hold of a copy of Rave and reading up on the cooling system - have you checked the flow when the engine revs are up? There's a "By-pass flow valve" that only opens up when the revs are above 1500. From Rave:- By-pass flow valve The by-pass flow valve is held closed by...
  13. Headtester

    Which Waxoyl gun?

    Nice one, thanks Waldershelf
  14. Headtester

    Which Waxoyl gun?

    I had a look at the Clarke website but couldn't find the Shultz gun - anyone got a link please?
  15. Headtester

    Which Waxoyl gun?

    Thanks for the replies guys, I'll let you know which one I end up with Cheers
  16. Headtester

    Which Waxoyl gun?

    Cheers Gitbash - which one did you get?
  17. Headtester

    Which Waxoyl gun?

    I've decided to underseal my Disco and am starting off by Hammeriting and then undersealing as much of it as I can get at. I then plan to Waxoyl inside the chassis rails etc. I've got a compressor which runs at 80 psi. Can anyone suggest which Waxoyl gun / applicator to get please? Thanks
  18. Headtester

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Fitted new wiper blades all round :)
  19. Headtester

    alternator changing problems

    Have a look at this fred - it might be the answer
  20. Headtester

    Oil leak alternator

    I think I had the same problem as the one you describe. Have a look at this post - I had an oil leak that was easy enough to fix, a leaking pipe just above the alternator - scroll to the end of the fred for the pic. HTH