
New Member
Hi All

I had a none functioning rear wiper. Checked fuses, relays, power and switching to the rear and all OK so took the motor out.

Brushes are worn but theres life left in them, rotor contacts needed cleaning but apart from that the motor is fine and runs OK when powered up.

However the reciprocating gear box is stiff and 'clicks'. Its got plenty of grease in it and looks fine. The clicking is coming from the output shaft that the wiper attachest to.

I haven't managed to pull that apart yet - has anyone got to this level before? Seems expensive to get a new one if I can fix this.

Hi All

I had a none functioning rear wiper. Checked fuses, relays, power and switching to the rear and all OK so took the motor out.

Brushes are worn but theres life left in them, rotor contacts needed cleaning but apart from that the motor is fine and runs OK when powered up.

However the reciprocating gear box is stiff and 'clicks'. Its got plenty of grease in it and looks fine. The clicking is coming from the output shaft that the wiper attachest to.

I haven't managed to pull that apart yet - has anyone got to this level before? Seems expensive to get a new one if I can fix this.


I believe they usually seize within the part that passes through the bodywork - if you can get it apart you're laughing.

I'm on the same exercise with my Rover Tourer - have been bathing it in Plus-Gas for a while but no results yet.
I believe they usually seize within the part that passes through the bodywork - if you can get it apart you're laughing.

I'm on the same exercise with my Rover Tourer - have been bathing it in Plus-Gas for a while but no results yet.

Thanks BigLad - the race is on then - chemicals and hammers ready...
I ended up replacing my rear wiper motor - took it apart but it was too knackered. Try eBlag or a breakers. Mine works fine now and it was a second hand one - I think I used the best bits from the two motors to make up one decent one.
Hi all

I found the rear wiper arm vertical and seized, voltage at terminals 12.7 volts on stripping down concentric arms rusty, and there was a broken spring on the brushes (changed this with a spring from a ball point pen) cleaned comm, motor working!!! :) fitted back into door, still working.
Fitted wiper arm did one wipe, on start of second wipe after a couple of inches travel the arm stopped continued with assistance :confused:
I did tighten up the end ball bearing, does anyone any advice on tension? and after reading the previous posts it may be the main shaft to the arm that needs cleaning out question does the plastic outer just pull off?

can't strip it down today bl**dy raining AGAIN!!!!!!
It was quite some time ago that I did mine and I can't remember what the inside looks like. I think I could get it to work one way but the motor wouldn't switch over to cycle to and fro properly - hence going for a replacement unit.
I did exactly the same with mine. I ended up buying a replacement, which I promptly stripped down to see if I'd put the original one back together wrong. I had! And that's the only reason it wouldn't work when the wiper arm went back on. I took a photo of the replacement with the cover off so I can see how the mechanism lines up properly. If I can find it, I'll post it up.
Here you go.




If it isn't lined up like this, it won't work with the arm attached.
It is but you have to adapt the electrical plugs.Also as you can see there is a seveve shortage of grease in there so I put more in so it did not seize again hopefully

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