1. Jimy110

    it's all going horribly wrong

    seems to have done the trick, land rover dealer said if the wheel or propshaft have mud welded on to them then it can throw the balancing out, so saved a fortune having them put it on the ramps to stare at it for 15 mins while shaking head and tutting.
  2. Jimy110

    Cold start, now overheating.

    i check stuff every week due to all the probs posted in here, don't want to risk leaving it to chance, can't afford to either. Haynes manuals could also save a lot of money if you don't mind getting hands dirty.
  3. Jimy110

    it's all going horribly wrong

    this is getting better, gave car a rate good jet washing yesterday, and now there are no noises, shaking or rattling does anyone know if built up mud could have caused it to make all the noise and shake and stuff?
  4. Jimy110

    length. width and weight

    no problem.
  5. Jimy110

    length. width and weight

    rate then, got my bible with me and it says. length including spare wheel - 4382 width including mirrors - 2068 height including roof bars ect - 1828 weight 1525kg
  6. Jimy110

    length. width and weight

    Oh Thats A 2004 One Tho. What Year You Looking At
  7. Jimy110

    length. width and weight

    1640kg Length 4423mm Width 1809mm (2071 With Mirrors) Height1708mm Give Or Take A Mm Or 2
  8. Jimy110

    it's all going horribly wrong

    yes and it stopped rattling. also stops when just coasting along. what you thinking it could be?
  9. Jimy110

    it's all going horribly wrong

    oh is that all lol. I'll have a poke underneath tomorrow then and see what condition it looks in. is there anything i need to look for while i'm under there? cracks, splits bits missing. and if it does go can i just rip the propshaft off and drive in in mondo mode.
  10. Jimy110

    Offside Headlight

    Hi there. i'd have gone for a doggy electrical connection somewhere cause if it was a fuse it would have gone straight away and not faded.
  11. Jimy110

    it's all going horribly wrong

    cheers pal, i can now call them hippos and know why,
  12. Jimy110

    it's all going horribly wrong

    she can't drive unfortunately. and if she could she wouldn't have let me have the FL would have been summat she likes i.e pug 206 or summat as equally c**p. also why are they referred to as hippos, just out of curiosity. got it booked in with a land rover dealer on tuesday anyway, let them...
  13. Jimy110

    it's all going horribly wrong

    right then i'm confused. i took wife out in it last night to prove to her what was happening and nothing happened, not shaking or vibrating, but then this morning it was back, now i know this is going to sound really stupid but can a bit of frost change the surface of a road enough to make cars...
  14. Jimy110

    take this opportunity!

    I Wouldn't Have Drove One Either If I'd Looked Into Before Buying
  15. Jimy110

    take this opportunity!

    who's that then? and why? what happened
  16. Jimy110

    take this opportunity!

    i think i can about grasp what that means, don't know what to do tho, keep it or palm it off on some other poor fool.
  17. Jimy110

    take this opportunity!

    i'm starting to think about getting rid before the wheels fall off, shame tho cause i do like the car. just wish they made it stronger.
  18. Jimy110

    it's all going horribly wrong

    was close to tears last night on way home while going down a by-pass at 55 the whole thing started shuddering and vibrating quite strongly, also "sounded" like i was driving on flat tires. took the front wheels off last night and couldn't see anything had broke or that was loose, any ideas...
  19. Jimy110

    struggling to open door with key fobs???

    i also had this problem and changing batteries didn't help, i read that if you press one of the buttons upto 5 times quickly then it should reset the sync or summat like that, although that didn't really work to start with but it did eventually.
  20. Jimy110

    Vehicle unlocks itself overnight

    Just have to see how it goes. taking key's out of pocket worked for me,