
New Member
Hi all, hoping for some advice from you knowledgable peeps. (but keep it clean)
The other night I noticed that the offside headlight was dimmer than the nearside headlight, this morning the offside light was out completely.
The side light still works fine. So I thought it was the bulb which had failed, hence buying the new one and replacing it.

But the new bulb does not illuminate either, me being the eternal pesimist thinks, well maybe the new bulb is faulty so changed it to the nearside light and it works (bugger).

So my next question is, are there seperate fuses for each side of the headlights? If there aren't, what else could be the problem?
Hi there.

i'd have gone for a doggy electrical connection somewhere cause if it was a fuse it would have gone straight away and not faded.
Can't offer any help, but am interested because the exact same thing has happened to me today. Bought new bulb - no change. Side lights still work fine. I will check the connectors tomorrow before I do anything else. I looked in the manual to check which fuse to check but I could not find a fuse listed for headlights. Unfortunately as mine is a P38 it will no doubt be something far more quirky and expensive to repair. If I fix it I will post to give you some clues.
Both headlamp + leveller EARTH connectins come from HEADER JOINT C018 located on O/S bulkhead next to bonnet switch.
You need to check for corrosion on 8mm bolt & inside " HEADER
JOINT " itself as the connector is called. Hope that helps, I had same problem.
Cheer sparkyjohn5 will try that tonight. I thought it may be a bad earth as the bloody thing worked over the weekend and has now decided to go dim again.

Took the plastic cover off the back of the light just to check the headlamp conection and left it on the engine while I was doing this, yes you guessed.

Forgot to put it back on closed the bonnet and set off, the next thing there was smoke bellowing out from under the bonnet, thinking the worst I jumped out of the car with fire extinguisher in hand and looked under the bonnet only to find that the cover had fallen onto the exhaust manifold and was completely melted.

Bugger, so I am at Landrover main stealers tonight to order another cover. What has made it even worse, we have had some very bad rain in the early hours and a lot off the roads are flooded and under water (the reason for me getting a Landie) when I arrived at work around 6.30 this morning I checked under the bonnet for the headlamp,

I was amazed how the water has got right up to the headlamp and into the lense, OK it's not actually flooded it but you can see the murky water welling up in the bottom. I will poke around with some rags to dry it out at lunch time and tape a polythene bag around it until the new cover arrives.

Thanks again for the help and I will check out the earth as well.
Thanks for the info sparkjohn, just finished cleaning the earth and everything is now OK, apart from the cover.

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