The Mad Hat Man

Well-Known Member
LZIR Despatch Agent
Here is the opportunity fur all you Freelander owners (yu watching Minge) to save further embarrassment, get rid of that dodgy 1.8 and get sum street cred all at the same time.

just look here (he must be raving barmy)
i'm starting to think about getting rid before the wheels fall off,

shame tho cause i do like the car. just wish they made it stronger.
Tratter alert!!!!!dunt be fooled by aligations un mind games played by tratter boys bout ming the methiless buyin er tratter . . . . .Ming enterprise company statmint, ming the merthiless drives er gaylander un has sworn a oaf of indulgence un will never buy er tratter [at this present time] ming hates all slitty's spit!!!he aint got nuffink against tratters [lrs] just thet he ain't got a pet pig to sit in the back. . . . . .hee he titter parpoops shorry. . . .;)
i think i can about grasp what that means,
don't know what to do tho, keep it or palm it off on some other poor fool.
Ive not had this vehicle very long as wife will not drive it

Mrs Blip just looked over my shoulder, read this bit of the eBay advert and said, "Silly cow, doesn't know what she is missing!"



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