1. Pillar

    Bank holiday Sunday session over Salisbury plains anyone?

    The Saturday of rememberance weekend would be an ideal time to do it. I will even plan the routes for us! What length of outing would you be intrested in?
  2. Pillar

    Bank holiday Sunday session over Salisbury plains anyone?

    In fact large the impact area and the areas are Warminster and Bulford Garrisons will be OOB due to live firing. Which only leaves the area around Copehill down and Imber. Which is always rammed with exercising troops!
  3. Pillar

    Bank holiday Sunday session over Salisbury plains anyone?

    The troops will be training again by then. If you read the SPTA newsletter- found on the Imber Church website it will tell you when the next access times are. The last thing you want is to pick up a byway at J crossing, push south and mess up someone's carefully executed ambush!
  4. Pillar

    South West to Birmingham Monday 22 Aug 16

    Going up with an empty 90, coming back with an empty vehicle trailer.
  5. Pillar

    Glass Rep Please Advise- or Anyone Passionate about our green roads!

    It shall have to wait for Christmas leave now when the boys are off the area! But I'm sure we will have fun doing it! There's an old boy who organises a lengthy nav ex each new year which incorporates 99% of all the ROW on the plain! Normally the discovery boys turn up and play in puddles...
  6. Pillar

    Glass Rep Please Advise- or Anyone Passionate about our green roads!

    Now I'm a member I shall start to catalogue all of the byways on the plain, and feed them into Trailwise! The majority around Copehill down IVO J xing need to be subjected to Voluntary restraint due to Army overuse!
  7. Pillar

    Glass Rep Please Advise- or Anyone Passionate about our green roads!

    Pink/ purple- same thing? ;)
  8. Pillar

    Glass Rep Please Advise- or Anyone Passionate about our green roads!

    I've just this evening joined GLASS- maybe it's something that should be recommended. It would save money- far fewer ROW officers would be required if it was national. And there could be an interface between us the users and the national ROW team?
  9. Pillar

    Glass Rep Please Advise- or Anyone Passionate about our green roads!

    Warm 91 is pink because it's a footpath! That's all the ROW in Wiltshire not just the byways!
  10. Pillar

    Glass Rep Please Advise- or Anyone Passionate about our green roads!

    Wouldn't it be useful if there was a UK wide definitive map that all county councils could feed into.
  11. Pillar

    Glass Rep Please Advise- or Anyone Passionate about our green roads!

    It's under the brown line. Brown is byway.
  12. Pillar

    Glass Rep Please Advise- or Anyone Passionate about our green roads!

    The electronic Wiltshire definitive map is really useful. Quite often ROW get subjected to voluntary restraint, I'd always consult it prior to going out- my Mil Map of SPTA is probably well out of date!
  13. Pillar

    Glass Rep Please Advise- or Anyone Passionate about our green roads!

    And it was, at the time, far easier just to reverse 300 meters!
  14. Pillar

    Glass Rep Please Advise- or Anyone Passionate about our green roads!

    I think that would apply if it was an unclassified Road. But it's a BOAT I don't think that would legally be regarded as a highway?
  15. Pillar

    Glass Rep Please Advise- or Anyone Passionate about our green roads!

    Thats the impression I get, most folk wouldn't know what a byway is. It has the appearance of a footpath, had they been out in the garden Id suggest they'd be shocked that a vehicle was driving down it.
  16. Pillar

    Glass Rep Please Advise- or Anyone Passionate about our green roads!

    Middle aged people and the elderly are, in general, totally intolerant of the younger generation. If I don't shave and walk through the village people won't acknowledge my existence. On the 11 Nov when I'm stood in FAD with my medal on they can't get enough of it! Last week on the train the...
  17. Pillar

    Glass Rep Please Advise- or Anyone Passionate about our green roads!

    Thats really useful, I shall email him. The difficulty I face is; a 22 year old knocking at someone's door is a recipe for disaster, it is likely to start immediate confrontation no matter how polite I try to be!
  18. Pillar

    Glass Rep Please Advise- or Anyone Passionate about our green roads!

    Rgr, I shall look into it.
  19. Pillar

    Glass Rep Please Advise- or Anyone Passionate about our green roads!

    I get the impression that it was there because they were ignorant to what a "byway" is. I doubt anyone has driven it recently- maybe some gentle education wouldn't go a miss? Due to work I'm not ever in one place long enough to warrant joining!