1. M

    incontinent landy

    I think you will find that your extra (wiggly) radiator might not be connected to anything? I have just stripped one out. I thought it was some part of an army system for cooling radio equipment? If its doing nowt, chuck it out! Don't jump into riping the head off until you are sure it...
  2. M

    Series Gearbox Codes

    I think you need to become familiar with "Suffix Codes" which I believe will be the last letter in the gearbox numbering. I can state for certain that my 84 S3 (very late) has a "D" suffix gearbox, which I have rebuilt and it is a dream. People say the later the Suffix the weaker the box...
  3. M

    Brakes - Servo - How much suction - alternatives

    Thank you Sri Lankan, just what I wanted to hear. Oil supply makes sense. Have you any idea what vehicles have these pumping alternators which share the same mountings as S3 diesels? Regards.
  4. M

    incontinent landy

    OK, you're homing in. Remove the two heater hoses and join them together with a bit of half-inch copper pipe or similar. This should get rid of the leak for now. The "tomato soup probably means the Landy has sat unused for quite a while, what you need to do is flush the system out with a...
  5. M

    I donit know what to do next - charging troubles.

    Think I have found what you need! Have emailed you a pic. I will find out postage and you can paypal me? Good luck -
  6. M

    Brakes - Servo - How much suction - alternatives

    Don't think there is a valve, but, will have a look. Weak link here, with Series 3, is that there is no pump! Bastard thing tries to get enough vaccum from the inlet manifold - hopeless. How does the Disco do it?
  7. M

    Brakes - Servo - How much suction - alternatives

    Yep, this lowering of the pedal happens, but only sometimes; usually when sitting at the lights with hoof on the pedal. Suddenly (sometimes) goes down a bit. I am going to get right into this in the next few days and will post outcome. Anyone know how the later (post series) Diesel...
  8. M

    I donit know what to do next - charging troubles.

    What does this panel look like and where on the vehicle is it located? I have just stripped a load of army **** out of an 83 LWB radio vehicle and you never know, one of the bits I threw over my shoulder? If I have it, it's yours for the postage. email me on rileyrm@eircom.net
  9. M

    incontinent landy

    I agree with Slob. Sounds very much like a head gasket. Cute answer would be sell it on ebay and buy another. Plenty of engines around as Slob says. Compression check should (only should) show up head gasket. Messing with the heater valve should not have caused problem. White smoke...
  10. M

    new member's next project

    You can send me abuse direct at rileyrm@eircom.net Yes, I think the engine should go straight in, and connect to any series gearbox/propshafts etc. It won,t set the world on fire. You would be well advised to fit an overdrive or range-rover diff's if you plan to do more motorway than...
  11. M

    incontinent landy

    Not enough info for a pinpoint reply. However, if you can answer a few questions, it might help the experts home in on you problems. Have you been using this LR regularly, without problems? Have you got a good anti-freeze solution in it? What was the last thing you touched, under the...
  12. M

    new member's next project

    Sorry to give a straight reply, but, yes the 2.5 N/A Diesel will go straight into the S3. The very late ones had a 2.25 version (same head/castings) mated (don't get excited) to a standard S3, D suffix gearbag. I have one and can let you have a pic of the engine bay if it would help. email me...
  13. M

    Brakes - Servo - How much suction - alternatives

    Hi again Ormus, bow to superior knowledge, but, I didn't think fluid went anywhere near the servo? Air on both sides of the diaphram? I'm a bit confused.
  14. M

    Brakes - Servo - How much suction - alternatives

    Boring fact, but, aeroplanes have throttle springs that jam on full, in the event of a fail - theory being all (airborne) is better than none (nose in the ground). Wouldn't like to put it to the test though.
  15. M

    Itching to get started

    Helped Brother-in-law by flying over on a one-euro special to Heathrow and sharing driving and loading a VW LT28 with building materials (plus a smattering of LR spares) back to Ireland Via Holyhead. Called at a fella's house near Porthmadoc (sorry about spelling) to pick up spares for my...
  16. M

    Brakes - Servo - How much suction - alternatives

    I really have a feeling it's not the servo - if it turn out that it is, fine, new one straight away. Not dropping any fluid (yet) and, as I think I said, brakes are reasonable, but, when you consider that they are larger diameter than the earlier brakes, wider shoes and a servo as well, you...
  17. M

    Itching to get started

    Yes yella, that's my excuse as well! On a slightly more serious note, The last three Landies I have helped people find (ebay) have all been fiddled to get the Tax free status. No difference here in Ireland, but, there is an awful lot of it going on in the UK and buyers should be aware, or at...
  18. M

    Itching to get started

    Just re-read your question, sorry, should have got brain engaged before putting mouth into gear. "Thinking of buying" - FORGET IT!!!!!!! Go and find one which is already what you desire. It will save you loads of drinking vouchers in the long run, and you will have more than enough work...
  19. M

    Itching to get started

    I can't believe you just said that Yella!! (well, yeah, I've got a set of stamps too - but, they have never been used - honest!) I have a good 2.25 S3 Petrol engine about to come out for a swap to diesel if it's of interest? I dont think you are going to hit any wiring problems at all...
  20. M

    Brakes - Servo - How much suction - alternatives

    Just finished a brake overhaul on a 1984 SWB Series 3 Diesel - one of the few with the early Defender engine and "D" suffix gearbox. I have replaced all six slave cylinders, most of the brakepipes and all the shoes. All drums are really good and the bleed is fine; done with an professional...