1. C

    Gearbox Fault!!

    pullin air in through the fuel tank that is whats wrong with mine,have you every had trouble starting the car ??
  2. C

    Gearbox Fault!!

    i think a poor battery, ot possibly pulling air in rom somewhere, i speak from experience.
  3. C

    P38 Turning over but not starting (help!)

    Had exactly the same problem before and have just got it again, basically the alarm was playing up and going off in the night causing the battery to drain, and it looses the security code to the engine ECU. You should not be charged much to fix this but it can be expensive to have the vehicle...
  4. C

    Lost Cause, please help

    wow i thought i had problems, i was going to say is your battery ok, but with the fuse blowing it has to be shorting somewhere. Have they checked the fuse box for the usuall problems in engine bay.
  5. C

    Thinkin of buying a rovacom lite

    thanks for that but i have decided to bite the bullet and buy a rovacom now called faultmate MSV i am told, at a cost of £708 with 3 software modules i hope it is worth it, as it is quite a large christmas present to buy yourself!!!!!
  6. C

    Thinkin of buying a rovacom lite

    i wonder if there is an oppurtunity to hire out this kit therefore anyone in the country being able to use it at a cost. I am sure it would work out cheaper that specialist. Might be worth me thinking about this a little!!
  7. C

    Thinkin of buying a rovacom lite

    Hello all, After loosing the code to the ecu again following a flat battery i am thinking of biting the bullet and buying the diagnostic unit, just wondering at the cost of £1000+ to me, would other P38 owners in the North West benefit from being able to get diagnostic and fault codes cleared...
  8. C

    Rovacom Mobile??

    Hi Irish Rover, Does not seen to be anyone local with rovacom lite, so i am thinking about investing myself as i am sure it will save me money, i have been intouch with a company called RPI who want to sell me a Faultmate that can be used on any amount of vehicles. A couple of questions...
  9. C

    Help Non-Starter. Testbook? Rovacom?

    Whent out to the car this mornin and battery was flat again, i think it has somthing to do with drivers and passenger door lock caput. So i jump started and it just turned and turned and turned, not even a splutter. So i think the code to the ingector pump ecu is lost for the second time, does...
  10. C

    RR 2.5 DSE Starting problems ahhhhhh!!!

    do you mean replace the fuel pump inside the tank?? or replacing pipes?? dont want t put a non return valve in because i think it is just hiding the problem
  11. C

    RR 2.5 DSE Starting problems ahhhhhh!!!

    if it was the leak off pipes, why does the problem only occur when the tank is below quarter full,this is why i dont think leak off pipes are at fault.
  12. C

    RR 2.5 DSE Starting problems ahhhhhh!!!

    just developed this fault, did you get itsorted?
  13. C

    1996 - 2000 P38 Do you trust it?

    i have a 1999 and at the moment wouldnot trust it to get me round the block with out throwing up a new problem, LR should be ashamed about these vehicles as they were not build to give a trouble free service, no matter how much you spend on them.
  14. C

    Air in fuel

    i think these pipes have been recently replaced on a service i am going to check receipt, but i only have the problem when the tank is quarter full or less, so surely this means a tank problem!!
  15. C

    Air in fuel

    i thought the same im sure i have read the same symptom somewhere else, are these seals hard to replace, the car is sometimes cutting out when turning corners etc, not sure a NRV would stop that because it will still let air in. It is perfect with a full tank but im worried if i need to go on a...
  16. C

    Air in fuel

    It seems that when the tank gets to about 1/4 the fuel is running back to the tank, i wondered if anyone knows what causes this so i can get repaired, rather than just put a non-return valve in and disguise the problem any help appretiated.
  17. C

    Rovacom Mobile??

    I think blend motor problems, and alarm problems.
  18. C

    Rovacom Mobile??

    thanks alot for your reply i am in blackpool but will travelif the dependent on how far because i dont trust the car to much at the moment. thanx
  19. C

    Rovacom Mobile??

    Got a few problems at the moment does any one knw anyone in the north west with a mobile set up??? thanks in advance