Hi Colsey-give me your location/area and I will post a mail on the Rovacom forum for you in the meantime, other members will probably reply to your post.
Most private Rovacom owners, such as myself are only too happy to help as it enables us to recoup a little of the outlay on software modules for a fraction of the price of people in the trade. We appreciate how much it costs to just keep a P38 on the road and any savings on main dealer rip off charges helps, plus it opens your eyes to what goes on in their workshops.
thanks alot for your reply i am in blackpool but will travelif the dependent on how far because i dont trust the car to much at the moment. thanx
Posted the enquiry last night and checked about an hour ago-nothing yet. I will advise as soon as I hear.
Hi Irish Rover,

Does not seen to be anyone local with rovacom lite, so i am thinking about investing myself as i am sure it will save me money, i have been intouch with a company called RPI who want to sell me a Faultmate that can be used on any amount of vehicles.

A couple of questions will this system re-synq me code to engine ecu following my flat battery??

At the cost of over £1000 do you think i might recover some of the costs from other owners requiring te use of it??

Any advice would be appretiated, i might put up a post to get feedback.
Be careful-they may only work on one specific vehicle. Best to have a look on the Rovacom website www.blackboxsoulutions.com
Personally, I would go for the Rovacomlite system where you can pick your software as you want it and it can be used on any car. If you need a new module for a friends car, why not get them to chip in towards the cost. Also bear in mind that RPI are buying from Blackbox and selling on. I have always dealt direct with Blackbox and found them to be 100%.
If you want to send me a PM-feel free to do so.
Not sure about the Faultmate, but Rovacom/Rovacomlite would pick it up as they monitor all inputs/outputs.Would have thought though that faulty MAF would show up on CO2/emissions test.
Did you have any luck finding someone as i could really do with someone to turm some lights off so i can go for a MOT
Did you have any luck finding someone as i could really do with someone to turm some lights off so i can go for a MOT

The last post on this thread (by Irishrover) was almost 5 years ago, I think the problem might have been sorted by now.....:eek::eek::eek:

Wammers is in Preston
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